Gave a quick glance to the Constellation class (which has 4 variants) on the Sc
Citizen wikia wiki and if I understand it correctly it is a kind of general purpose workhorse kind of ship. Oddly a combination of freighter, and a bounty hunter drone boat.
In EVE ships generally either fulfill combat roles (may it be PvE or PvP) or other (such as haulers or other specialized ships like logistics, miners and so on).
So it is more of a question what specific purpose(s) you’d like to use the ship for and which region of space (security level and so on) as most likely you will either use one type of ship for related purposes or other types based on other kinds.
If you want to go with one ship that probably can do most at the same time a strategic cruiser or tactical destroyer might be your choice. They are omega only and can switch between different modes. However as a result are generally much more pricey and require more trained character and learned player skill to fly well, as such might be better to learn using cheaper ships first until you can confidently fly more advanced ships.
Tactical Destroyers - EVE University Wiki (T3D)
Strategic Cruisers - EVE University Wiki (T3C)
For that lower tier multi-role general purpose functionality my personal recommendation is what I myself use on all of my alts regardless how highly or lowly trained as it has minimal skill requirements, though it is a jack of all trades but master of none so if you have a specific activity in mind a proper specialized ship (explorer, combat, hauler, and so on) would probably be a better choice and depending on what level enemies you want to kill (you mention high bounties) a higher class ship like a cruiser, battlecruiser or battleship and so on might be better.
Of course you can alter the fit to tune it for your specific use cases to be more efficient than this general purpose variant.
Of course there are cheaper alternatives when it comes to destroyers or might even use a different class altogether (both up and down so a frigate or cruiser and so on) depending on what you plan to do.
If this is too low tier of a ship (destroyer) or not specialized enough then you can check the full ship list at the below link and choose one that is more suitable until you can fly a T3D or T3C.
Ships - EVE University Wiki (See the list at the end of the page.)
Also other people probably will provide their own insight and with some back and forth probably could figure out a more specific ship for the job(s) you plan to accomplish.