What to fly? L4

So I have not played sense 2013, Wanted to ease in doing some L4 so I was wondering what to fly?

Sure I can fly a Raven sure with t1 cruise missile.

I have skills for Tengu and T2 heavy missiles “training for HAM” But is even tengu good for L4 or only good for WH.

I have about 2 month away from Golem and no I don´t have a few billions to spend on injectors I got 1bill in wallet.

Is rattle snake even worth it with t1 cruise missiles and also it cost like 1-1.1bill only 800mill shy of a golem.

Or should I maybe find another activity to do while I wait 2 months.

It would depend on how rusty my skills were after not playing for so many years. That is the closet to an answer. that I think, anyone can realistically give you.


Fly a Dominix with sentries and MJD.

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Charters only has Caldari skills and poorly drones like I can use T2 light and medium. But yeah back when I played my charters I made focused only on the faction ships to the faction they belonged to.

I guess the Raven is a good choice in that case. Cruise Missiles rock, even as T1.

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Stick with the Raven and get cruise missiles trained to T2. Fury cruise missiles do bad things to everything from destroyers on up. Use Navy missiles and drones on frigates.

Using a Golem, a Rattlesnake or some other fancy ship is just going to paint a target on your back with the guys who sit outside the stations all day in sensor-boosted Tornadoes.

Raven is fun - love the animations of cruise missiles.

Lots of ships can do the regular Level 4s. Read up on mission and enemies that will be present.

Raven » Navy Raven » Golem.

For those not trained in Caldari ships, Praxis is a decent choice. It takes a while to get Caldari Battleship level 5 and the Praxis doesn’t require that specialized skill training. It will allow a T2 cruise missile fit.

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I usually just speed run missions in a hawk, can do 8 of them in under 12min.

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Or simply use a Typhoon.

Since the OP can use Ravens but not T2 Cruises, instead can use T2 HAM and T2 HM, the Nighthawk might be a thing. It’s almost as tanky as a T3C, has a bit more range, same damage, and is a lot less expensive then a T3C. On the downside it’s maneuverability is also quite limited… just like the T3C’s.

Cerberus have the maneuverability the T3C lack, and the HAM range and damage bonus put the Cerberus damage emission on the same level of a T3C, or even superior to it. Their tank, however, is based on their maneuvering rather then face-tanking that T3C and battleships do.

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This is my list from years ago of testing every decent ship in lvl4 missions.
Heavy Tengu with active reps. The most fun, fast, and capable of killing smaller targets faster to balance out a little lower dps on battleships compared to the next on this list.
Golem with cruise or a Rattlesnake with rapid heavies and drones.
Friends of mine like things like Nightmare and Paladins.
Im not into PvE so grain of salt. Ravens are trash tier slop.
SoE missions were the best farm last time I checked. The place near Hek was my choice.


I use Cerb for Caldary Navy L4s. With HAML fit it does 800+ DPS on Rage at 34 km range. More than enough. My whole fit is T2 except for situational EM Hardener. You fly in HS so ou can invest in a pod. MG Crystal is VERY cheap (and you don’t really need 6th slot). Add some 03-04 missile implants and you are good to go.

Ishtar. Dual armor rep can face tank your mom.
And 650-780 dps depending on which drone you pick, all over 60km…

All depends what your main goal is.

Making most ISK/hr? Marauder, point.

Paladin is noticably superior in Amarr Space (facing mostly Sansha/Blood Raider).
It’s still on par with the Kronos even in Caldari/Gallente Space, depending on the mission sometimes Kronos is faster, sometimes Pala.

Vargur excels in Minmatar space where the opponents are mostly Angel Cartel. The high tracking and the ability to do almost pure explosive damage really shines.
Pala and Kronos come close, but can’t overtake the Vargur here.

Golem is slowest in most missions, no matter where you run your missions. (Sorry Caldari, delayed damage just sucks. :slight_smile: ). However, the Golem is very convenient to fly and fit, even with pure T2 equipment. And it’s not that far behind in most missions, it just can’t take the first place anywhere.

If you want to have more action but still print your money quickly: Machariel / Bhargest and flying “on the move”.

If you want to be lazy and just run missions without paying much attention to efficiency: Passive Recharge Rattlesnake with Cruise Missiles. Drones grind through anything, CMs fire over the whole grid, NPCs never bite through the buffer tank. Nirvana Set recommended. You will also be an awful gank-target, getting easily more than 700.000 eHP with overheat.

If you want to be flexible, have action and still a challenge, while accepting that you won’t get the most ISK/hr, use a HAC/T3. They can run all L4s, sometimes you may find yourself in a situation where you want to overheat and you won’t reach the speed of a Marauder/FactionBS, but it’s more fun for sure.

If you want to hurt yourself: Assaultfrig/T3Destroyer/Draugur.

Good luck.