When did ccp kill **YOUR** playstyle?

I think this post had enough tears… Please close


Ty for your very important and consttuctive opinion

@Bjorn_Tyrson idk about you, but when the fun things (to me) constantly get :poop: on by CCP, why should I stay and do what every F1 monkey already does?

I’d rather play other games that will satisfy my required dose of fun, regardless of how old or retarsed they are :joy:

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Nerfed data and relic site loot :disappointed_relieved:

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The problem is worse.
Some people have lots so are playing for matchsticks.
Newer people (Anyone under about 5 years typically) doesn’t have those huge reserves so is still playing for real money.
So you have matchsticks playing against real money.

That is so true. I remember when isk meant something. Now losing a capital is inconvenient - hell all it real does is take me the time to go and buy the hull and mods and that makes it annoying. This leads to oh we are bored lets drop our capitals on this miner…

There is simply too much isk in the game and not enough explosions. CCP has long given up trying to fix the issue. Instead they seem to keep adding new forms of pve. Sure after the abyssal sites there was a rush of destruction, but now that folk have them figured out its just more isk from nothing.

I’ve just come back after a lengthy break. I’m not sure if player count has been on the decline, or whether players have moved out of various systems I used to frequent quite often. Whether it was because of the local chat, market or just general activities I would spend longer in some systems than others (probably true for most players).

One system I would frequent often was Arnon, it was a melting pot of all kinds of players - Miners, Missions Runners, Can Flippers, Ninja Salvagers, or generally watching local interact with Socratic rants etc. At the time (a little over 10 years ago) the system was active, consistently a little over 400 in local. I dropped by Arnon last night and lucky if there was 70 (still active but not to the level I was familiar). I know this is a very small and focussed sample but I was curious if this is a trend seen throughout EvE. I can’t answer as there’s only a few systems I could truly say I was extremely familiar with.

Whilst I don’t think my playstyle has been killed, I do miss the stupid little things such as the Jukebox and IGB.

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Highsec is emptier than it used to be, mostly because of players who quit. Last time I checked (in May) highsec population was about 40% below what it was before the Rubicon expansion in Winter 2013. Apparently now is even lower and new character creation is also going down i.e. there’s less interest to play EVE Online.

In the last 5 years since Rubicon, CCP saved nullsec and lost low and high, so they essentially sticked with the people who loved their game and let go those who paid it. :neutral_face:

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ehehe this thread
ccp never killed my playstyle they just made it harder to do
but im still doing it despite their rule changes

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added concord to empire - game ruined
first they killed dico geddons on empire gates
then it was the damp ravens
then they added cloaking devices that killed 0.0 as everyone became paranoid.
then it was nerfing wcs and adding bubbles so you couldn’t take slow stuff solo in 00 any more.
then they added log off timers- yawn now you have to wait to log of after kicking a hornets nest
they nerfed titans dd through cynos - disappointing as i never got to kill people form 6 systems away.
then they nerfed motherships immunity to bubbles and scrams. sad days. miss camping a gate with a aeon.
oh then it was adding hics so i couldn’t use a super without developing paranoia.
then there was the titan nerf again.
ohh warp scramblers turning off mwd— that killed blasters
They told me i couldnt undock my high sec carrier :frowning:
they deleted my hellhound drones and never replaced them— i loved those drones
There was that ecm nerf before the last one.
The last ecm nerf that ruined falcons
The HIC ab fix- ffs I loved invulnerable hics.
removed escrow — god i got so much free stuff on that.
That balance to 6/10 loot that made them worthless.

im sure there have been a few others over the 15+ years

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Arnon is a rookie system.

These used to be the coolest systems in the game.

When they cleaned up all the flipping and baiting and such, fighting of any kind here became bannable.

Busted the best recruiting tool the game ever had.

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They killed a lot of play styles I’ve had over the years, I started in 2006 and the game is radically more sanitised and stale now than back then and a lot less fun for it.

The one playstyle I miss the most was something I used to do that I never seen anyone else do, there was a feature of the killrights system before crimewatch where if someone killed you in low sec and you didn’t fire back, you would get a killright on them for 30 days. Now 95% didn’t know or didn’t care because nobody ever took killrights seriously back in the day, so I used to find low sec camps where local carebears were trying to be tough guys and I’d jump in in a maller or something and let anywhere from 10 to 20 guys blow me up. They’d all pat each other on the back and smack in local etc. and I’d leave in my pod. Then I’d stalk them with an alt and probe them down in their mission running navy raven in high sec and kill them.

I remember jumping into a camp of 15 guys in Milal in a lolMaller and by the time the 30 days were up, I had caught and killed 9 of them.


This game has always been about adapting to change.

This thread is about not adapting to that needed change.


My play style involves living in a hostile area where I am outnumbered 100 to 1. For me it is all about survival so that I can access the vast amounts of wealth that exist in npc null sec.

My play style is all about countering player actions by having a good understanding of the mechanics and knowing what is possible and impossible within the Eve universe.

There really isn’t much CCP can change in order to affect my play style.


You haven’t been reading then.


I wonder if you “said” that with a straight-face. :grinning:

I did. Your ignorance wasn’t entertainment.


It’s not the same thing. It’s like when you have played a game 10 times at max difficulty.
You drop all, restart from zero and… 8 hours later you have completed it all again.

they took mine away when they screwed over salvagers during the tyrannis expansion, and to this day, they just keep screwing over loot

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making the game undesirable is needed? because i’m looking at their omega account numbers, and it’s not looking good

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The idea is to make the game better overall. Sometimes that means sacrificing the game for a few to make the game better for many. This is one of the realities of game balance.

That’s the idea though. In practice it’s very hard to get this right.

For example; it’s sad to see that sacrificing pvp players so carebears can flourish is lauded and the goto way of balancing, but if you suggest to nerf safety to promote conflict, you’re told that sacrificing players is a horrible way to design a game…