Where to even start?

I have just returned to the game after a long layoff. When I played last, I was in a WH Corp and was most interested in BLOPS/Covert type stuff but would need guidance and patience. Which of these forums is the correct one to post in looking for a Newbro friendy Corp?

Welcome back, few resources for you:

You can also search directly in game under the NeoCom menu → Social → Corporation then go to the Recruit tab, and filter by wormhole space:

Princess Aiko Hold My Hand is my recommendation for a good newbro friendly corp. We offer guidance and patience as you pursue your BLOPS dream.

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@Aiko_Danuja May I join or am I still too green?

Yes, of course, just apply to the corporation and you will be accepted when I feel like clicking on your name.

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Thank you! That’s mighty nice of you :smiley:

Fifie jumps up and down.

I am interested.

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