Whispers of Affection

Speed-Dating/Dinner Event at the Freeport, Open to All Who Can Dock.

Whispers of Affection

“Within the fleeting whisper of time, let us embrace the enduring power of love, for in these ephemeral moments, the heart finds its truest connection.”

A Night of Fleeting yet Enduring Connections
Join us at the renowned freeport Tebu Amkhiman in the heart of New Eden for “Whispers of Affection”, an enchanting evening dedicated to the beauty of love. This unique event, proudly sponsored by Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque, Brezia Companion Services and See and Hear News Agency, promises an unforgettable experience for those seeking to find or celebrate love.

Brief Encounters: Speed-Dating Mixer
The night opens with “Brief Encounters”, a captivating speed-dating mixer designed for singles. Here, you’ll have the chance to engage in a series of quick, yet meaningful interactions. It’s a perfect opportunity for those looking to ignite a new spark or to simply enjoy the excitement of fleeting, brief encounters.

Moment’s Embrace: Mixer for Couples
Simultaneously, “Moment’s Embrace” welcomes couples into an intimate setting. This mixer is tailored for lovers to deepen their bonds, share their stories of love and adventure, and enjoy the company of other couples in a warm, inviting atmosphere. It’s a celebration of enduring love and the shared journey through the cosmos.

As the mixers conclude, we invite you to a dinner party in the neighbouring CRAFT Bar & Grill. Whether you’ve just met someone at “Brief Encounters”, or you are continuing the night with your significant other, this dinner is the perfect opportunity to foster the connections made and memories cherished.

Join us to celebrate, connect, and create unforgettable moments that resonate beyond the night.

Date: February 16th Time: 19:00 NEST to late
Where: Tanoo, Tebu Amkhiman, The Ocean Blue Coffee House
Dress code: Timeless Elegance, dress to impress
RSVP required: yes, please use this form.


I asked my mother and she said that dating is okay and even if it’s a nice minmatar boy she won’t judge as long as he’s clean and neat and doesn’t spit or have smelly hair but that if I bring home a capsuleer of any type for dinner she’s going to cut me out of her inheritance. Not that I need her inheritance but I’d just rather not have the family conflict, you know


Event is tomorrow! We have a fun list of attendees already planning to come but there is room for more!


Frostpacker plans to lose many ships of various sizes.

Still more time to hone my dating skills.

Starting at this location then dividing up! "Tebu Amkhiman - Main Lobby "

Thank you again for letting me in, I had a wonderful time and enjoyed interacting with my date.

Before the night I had wondered how many ships I would need for duels as that is what I had thought was speed dating.

It was definitely something I needed and to sit at the bar while feeling like that I wasn’t drinking alone.

Was an amazing event 10/10 will return!!! Great drinks. My favorite drink was the Guava Rose.