Why antigank?

She was ganked so has special rights.

I do believe that you have yet to undergo miner rehabilitation


So all gankees can lie, ok.
What about the gankers, can they lie too? I’m assuming they can judging by the forum posts.

Everything a ganker says is the truth , and must not be questioned.

That’s a hard pill to swallow, right after the submission part.

Nevertheless, my world doesn’t revolve around gankers or ganking so they can do and say whatever they want, doesn’t affect me none.
The only reason I keep posting in this thread is you. You’re funny and interesting to chat with.

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Oh they’ve tried. I’ve been bumped around the ice field twice and then several Catalysts proved how ineffective they are at destroying a Skiff; they weren’t even close.

I fail to see how any of that was supposed to instill fear in me.

Maybe I should hop into a Corvette and go sit in 5.0. Maybe then I’d be more in the gankers’ weight class. Maybe then they’d be able to blow up my ship and pod me. Tell you what… Go make a gate camp and send me an in-game mail on where it is. I’ll hop into a Retriever without any shield fits and walk into it. Oh- make sure it’s in 0.4 or lower. You wouldn’t want Concord showing up before your little Cats could finish the job!

Don’t be shy, you can say it :blush:

I’m sure you mean 0.5

I’m sure you mean 0.4


He doesn’t know what he means , he just wants to be ganked.

AIko offered to set her flying monkeys on him, but he refused to pay for her entertainment

He does look like a masochist.

That is unbecoming of a gentleman!

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It’s funny how you edited it but then he posted the quote of the original wording so you’ve edited it back to how it was.


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And don’t think I don’t appreciate that.
I had a feeling you were much more than Aiko’s lieutenant. I’m sure that not only she gives delicate matters into your care but you also whisper her next course of action into her ear as well.
Jafar would’ve been so jealous.

Absolutely! 0.4.

But then, if a ganker couldn’t decode that typing error, they need to retire and go fly a Venture!

Take your time, you’ll need it. I’m so awesome that the number of facets for my personality is infinite, and that’s not counting my awesome physique.

More word salad from the F1 monkey

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :innocent: :popcorn:


…or a kite!! :rofl:

It was her flying monkeys that tried and failed to gank me. I saw them in local and warped over there to play. I sat there and watched as they engaged. I gave them a good solid try and they failed.

Their failure; not mine. I don’t know why you think she’s so scary.


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There is some truth in that…insofar as being a gankee as a noob gave me the kick in the butt necessary to motivate my PvP career. This is a point CCP have themselves made…that being ganked is often the motivation behind staying in Eve.