Why antigank?

I should pay them a visit



I have been playing on and off since i found out about Eve Online back around 2008’s. Used to try it out and come back just before SOE was launching. In between i had my breaks with IRL or other games deeming fun to play.

Remembering those days i had to wait 30mins/hour before eve was done patching and launching the two servers. Not quick enough, and hit with the player login queue… Fun times! Though funky enough back then both servers were running with 200k+150k~ players concurrently. I find it sad that eve is on 10% or even 5% on what it used to be 10/15 years ago.

Ganking for example, when james was finalizing his ideal scam with his code of halaima, i chuckled after reading it and seeing more pirates showing up in belts and bumping everyone. Though those were actual pirates ingame, moving from belt to belt, bumping miners and trying to spot the botter. Now it feels a combat probe is sufficiënt, just targetting any miner deemed a target. Obviously with a indy player hiding in the shades providing ships for em. I understand cold blooded capitalism is the true cause of most of these problems. Which only seemed to aggravate over the years i have been playing Eve.

I remember the first time playing in a barge, seeing Zywall’s mentor plowing through ice fields like there ain’t no tomorrow. Orca accompanied with a Charon and many miners. Just to find out later it was 1 player operating like 15~ ships in total. Made me want to manufacture my first Orca, and it costed me about 500m isk and the eta was about 600m, almost on par with a pilot license 30 days.

Which seemed to be nearly 1=1 on with eachother. Now heck 2billion and playing a month for isk has quadruppled if not more. To counter this problem, CCP tried many implementations, and from a personal aspect. I have seen friends quitting the game after the infamous indy nerf (2016), only to buff it again to try and appease the veterans to come back and play. Alas most of my ol friends never want to return to eve as to the atrocity it becamen ow. Their words, though i can understand their view.

It’s true that this game needs a healthy influx of manufactured goods and products going to waste with all sorts of means. Though not everyone can handle the situation of losing your ship as i have learned to deal with over the past decade. Sadly not many friends/miners i talked to keep on playing and improve on all aspects to try and counter em. So my guess is that the game won’t survive another decade without radical changes and ideas coming to fruition.

One advise i give to whom they encounter em like i learned IRL. Everyone tries to pull you down, for what’s worth, even a penny they will slit your throat and enjoy the view of your ship trying to survive but oil and debris all over the place. Before even Concord can arrive to save you.

Local, d-scan, ignore anyone unless rational chat and live on.
They thrive on human emotion as that is their main fuel.

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

~ Serrith Thiesant

Sure there were

What are you wittering on about?

Thought So

I haven’t seen you around all those years ago, or pretending to be high and mighty with a 3 year old record. Kinda low man.

Age means nothing grandpa.

What matters is awesomeness.

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Good evening everyone :blush:

So after 1690 posts, do you have an answer as to Why Antigank so this thread can be resolved, @Aiko_Danuja ?

I would like to thank everyone for the high-quality entertainment in this thread. I giggled many times and laughed a few times.

I’m also wondering if @Iceacid_Frostpacker is available for some space frolicking. I mean he’s kind of cute :blush:

He gives off that appearance , but he realy isn’t, like a cute little shark that bites when you give him a treat.

Get to know him at your own risk.

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Hello Zaera :blush:

He does, doesn’t he.

Oh :slightly_frowning_face:

That is a serious warning. Last time I received a warning like that about someone he ended up slapping me.
Maybe I should listen now and back off.
Thank you for your help :smiling_face:

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I’ve noticed you no longer refer to him as Frosty. :thinking:


He is lucky I refer to him as anything atall

Oh no… more nightmarish pictures :confused::worried:

Explain like how you would to a person of old age like MB or like I am Five while trying to maintain my attention.

If your name is Frostpacker, you aren’t allowed to post in my threads.



Please, domina. I am no Frostpacker, I wouldn’t know the first thing about being one.
I am just a girl in a scary adult’s world trying to play a scary game with scary people in it.
Please don’t suck all my blood, ma’am? :scream:

I have seen the Frostposting Alerts. He knows that this is a Frostpacker Free Zone, no frostposting allowed, by order of the Princess.

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@Zaera_Keena Frostpackers are not allowed to post in the forum?
And… the princess is Aiko, right? Is there a prince also and/or a king or queen or is it just princess Aiko? Is she an Amarrian princess and that is why Frostpackers aren’t allowed?
This game is getting more complicated than I thought.

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Just go and play your Bannerbear and stop this obsession with Frostpacker…

EvE is a Matriarchy ruled over by Princess Aiko

The Frostpackers are banned as have displeased the princess