Why didnt u sell on top? 📉

Thank you for demonstrating my point very effectively.

Utter nonsense.

None of that has anything to do with bitcoin, or even with your lunatic belief that private ownership of AR-15s is an effective deterrent against an oppressive government. Please stop building straw man arguments.

Plenty to do with Bitcoin when those that have no account with a COMMERCIAL bank that CAN and DOES refuse business (credit rating is required), and stores under COVID REFUSE CASH payment, it’s “socially responsible” to let them STARVE. This is why we are passing laws to prohibit denying cash. it has come to this. The very fact we have to leglislate so people can spend cash! yes we are passing preserve access to cash laws.

And this is not in America.

It really doesn’t. Those stores don’t accept bitcoin either.

They don’t accept cash now either thanks to you all caving in to draconian rule.

So if you’re unbanked, you’re going to have to starve.

Banks are COMMERCIAL operations, they can and DO refuse business. That means NO PAYMENT

If they could pay with Bitcoin they don’t need a bank.

And, again, what does any of this have to do with bitcoin?

Well they can’t pay with bitcoin, and stores have zero incentive to accept bitcoin payments. So what is your point?

So back to square 1. Unbanked starve out of “social responsibility”

The very fact people don’t stand up to this and cave in, then demonise those that stick up for it, is apalling.

The fact they demonise those that do speak up is the worst part.

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Are you ever going to stop posting straw man arguments? Nobody has defended refusing to allow people with no banking access to use cash.

Stores are doing it here, in the covidmania. and the fact we have to start pushing laws to prohibit them doing it.

And nobody here has defended it. Stop making strawman arguments, especially when they have nothing whatsoever to do with the topic.

Yet they still do it, where’s the outrage?

Where is the outrage that yesterday someone left a bag of kittens at a church in freezing weather? Why aren’t you spamming a thousand posts about how outraged you are about this?

Oh I can do plenty of outrages.

Now please go do them elsewhere and stop going off on random tangents completely unrelated to bitcoin.

BTC and LTC will correct before or during the summer.

:joy: perfectly clear argument :joy: dude, the problem with you is the the missconception and bs is so all over the place one does not even know where to start.

Also why do you even care? You are not invested in it.

I am really enjoying these bitcoin debates. Why do you guys have to flame so hard on each other? This thread is going to get locked, too.

The most hilarious thing about a bitcoin bull run is the people panicking every couple of weeks because of a 20%-40% correction. Set the charts to weekly and calm the f down.

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I guess Tesla sold theirs. I think they made more than they make on car production.

Its remarkable how the history repeats itself, but you never know which day you will wake up and take part in the déjà vu.

They did not buy Bitcoin for trading