Why do asteroids reappear in the belts at 11:00?

No not from the novel for regular downtime, sorry. I need to edit that post as re-reading it now, it’s not quite what I was trying to say.

What I was trying to say is that you could equate the regular downtime as some sort of regular maintenance of our NEOCOMs based on previous fictional accounts of NEOCOMs being offline at that moment coinciding with actual downtime. But it’s not technically official.

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The problem with that is downtime also took out the captains quarters. Not saying it’s not a possible explanation.
The other problem with that explanation is it runs into a hard wall if someone has a different interpretation on it. If you are rping that it’s the neocom and I’m not, then either you are wrong or you have a faulty neocom taking just you out over that time.

Gravitational anomalies lead to the creation of these belts in the first place. When miners mine the roids, they create tiny specs of dust invisible to the camera drones. For unknown reasons, during downtime, the gravitational effects amplify massively, pulling all the tiny speks of dust together to form new roids.

Every day James provides new asteroids for the miners who had the foresight to purchase a permit. Such is his blessing upon the miners.


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