Why do you play in Highsec space?

Look, I know it sucks to be told this but you’re not my type. Sorry…it’s not going to work.

And, I think instead of making highsec a Mindcraft server we should instead advocate for lowsec to be made better so that there’s real incentive to go there–gankers can have their content, people in high sec can balanced risk vs reward, and everyone gets something.

Why should Highsec miners get anything they want?

But it’s always been that way? High-sec PvP isn’t some shiny new thing that was invented two years ago. So what’s the big deal?

Maybe they should?

If the miners asserted their will and force me to mine rocks for them, I wouldn’t complain about it on the forums.

low sec best sec
stop with the lies

If by best sec you mean largely barren wasteland, than yeah it’s great.

Oh, I’m sure you would.

plenty of cool people there
but sure bruh
you aren’t cool enough anyway

There are indeed great people in lowsec; nothing but love for those who live there tbh.


thats the spirit :+1:

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He’s only saying that because he’s grateful that they’re there, instead of in high-sec, where they’d disrupt his farming.

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How about high sec becomes totally safe. But in order to balance that ALL ore is removed from highsec and distributed around low and null. Missions in high sec are limited to L2. Combat anoms limited to DED2 complexes and the max tier of abyssal that can be run is Calm.


them HS = calm-land in 3 bil ships lol

Has it occurred to you that perhaps the developers designed the game to be pvp-centric?

If you don’t like the sandbox, why are you playing in it?

Just because a data set correlates with your claim, doesn’t necessarily mean that your claim is the causation.

I’m betting there is a third factor at play here.

You had sold me a safe space to mine, I purchased your mining permit!
It allows me free access to the Ore in Uedama

/Also another reason why I don’t mine in LowSec is that there is no Ore to Mine in Lowsec

Just now while on a scout trip. (even visited a number of belts. Nothing there to even mine?)

LOL! PvP is great and all, but this kind of misguided EVE exceptionalism really has to go.

Most of the original designers are long gone and those guys also included mining in this game and made the worst form of PvE in all of gaming’s history, very time consuming and critical to the game as a whole.
Even WOW-guilds spend more game time fighting each other, than our great Alliances do.

There is no sandbox, in any way, shape or form; there never was.

All we got is ONE good core idea that makes the whole thing tick and that is permanent destruction, as in non-respawning player equipment. That’s the only big thing we’ve got over the competition.

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I would say there are multiple things that define EVE gameplay, in no particular order:

  • multiplayer single shard server
  • player-ran market, industry and economy
  • locations matter: logistics between locations with different resources and markets (i.e. no teleportation of goods)
  • pvp anywhere
  • equipment destruction on death, partially lootable
  • spaceships!
  • nefarious practices (like scams, lies, infiltration, backstabbing and other breaches of trust) are mostly allowed

I don’t think any of these is unique to EVE (except maybe the single shard for games of this size?), but it is the combination that makes EVE unique.

PvP anywhere is a significant part of that identity.


Fair points, but this one in particular, only works because our ships and other equipment don’t respawn.

You also missed the various player intel methods available. D-scan and access to third party tools may not have been conscious design, but it does make the cat-and-mouse gameplay possible.

EVE still has a lot of good things going for it.

Nah, it’s here, and here to stay.

Because I’m ADD or something and enjoy doing half a dozen things while i’m online. I can run a mining op on one account, semi-afk mission on another, haul materials to market on a third all while updating industry jobs, PI and market orders without having to keep a constant eye on local chat or intel channels, or worry about wars. HS gives me the freedom to change between activities frequently.

Because I like to take part in NPSI fleets like Bombers Bar.

Because I’m stubborn and if someone tells me I have to be online at a certain time I’m very likely to not attend just to make a point. I insist on keeping this a game not a job.

Because a lot of the nullsec players i’ve met are power tripping PTSD’d bittervets who have no enjoyment of the game anymore and only play it because their wife left them during their mid-life crisis from the summer of rage.