Why do you play in Highsec space?

I like the pick up and play that hisec and lowsec offers relatively. 0.0 feels too much like a job with no real rewards that justify the timesink compared to hisec. Which just makes it the superior option to play in really.

I like high sec because I’m not into Eve as a pvp murder simulator, no matter how much the devs try to turn the sandbox into one…if I finally quit Eve it’ll be because living in high security space is no longer fun and/or feasible.

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most apt and best put forward comment on this entire thread agree completely

I like high sec because I’m not into Eve as a pve mining simulator, no matter how much the devs try to turn the sandbox into one…

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I’m no longer allowed into highsec because the devs forced their pvp sandbox on me.

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The real high sec was inside us all along.

Murder and carnage goes on in highsec anyway. And it should do. I don’t always agree with the mechanics of it, but without highsec ganking I am quite sure highsec would be an utterly boring place. Risk is the key element of the game, and that risk should exist everywhere. I can’t think of anything more boring or soul destroying for the game than queues of barges and industrial ships at Sivala/Eudama gate…all safely passing through without challenge on their way to Jita. This is Eve…not a farming simulator.


So you finally understand eh?

High sec is bloody, but with added tears, tantrums and threats to cause bodily harm.

Low sec is bloody, but with high fives.

Null sec is bloody, but with added tears, tantrums, and threats of blobbing.

WH sec is bloody, but with, surprise! Guess who!? With secret smooches and piñata parties.


love it
best description of LOW sec ever
so true :+1:

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The risk in high sec is overblown, there should be more risk for the gankers though–they need stricter penalties for engaging in illegal activities there. If they pick a target CCP should increase penalties so it’s worth it. Currently it’s just a grief-fest.

I imagine there’s a great many people who left the game because of griefers attacking them with cheap crap frigs while they tried to learn the game in high sec mining. Something has caused around 15,000 players to move on the last few years–and I’d be willing ot bet a fraction of those are people like you and I. But until CCP meaningfully penalize and stop catering to gankers who like to attack weaponless industrialists things won’t improve.

Except ganking has been in the game since Day 1. And really it’s only gotten harder to gank as time goes by, so one could actually make the argument that it’s the decline of ganking that’s correlated to the decline of players, not the opposite. I don’t know how you would possibly make the argument that something that has existed for the entire length of the game is now all of a sudden responsible for its decline, when it wasn’t for the first 17 years. That makes 0 sense.

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Just let it happen.

Obligatory citation needed.

Why are they weaponless? Is that truly the fault of the ganker, CCP or the lazy miner who didn’t think to add mods for defense.

Yes yes, I’ve heard this argument before. “But mining ships aren’t suited for combat! Whaaaaa!”

To which my reply is “huh. That hasn’t stopped me from using combat ventures and procures in low sec to hunt people. I guess I just fail at this game.”

  1. Look at the dip yourself. Eve’s not dying, but it’s not growing either. 40k consecutive logins to now the mid-20ks during USTZ sucks. We could debate all day why this has happened, but the fact that it has happened isn’t exactly a secret when the numbers are right there in the open for everyone to see.


  1. Know what’s cool about a sanbox? When you’re making a giant pit to bury all your toys within after you’ve tortured and murdered them all like Sid from Toy Story, others are building castles and peaceful things like that over in their corner. Know what EvE’s not anymore? A sandbox because PvP is being shoved down people’s throats in high security space more and more frequently regardless whether they want it or not. No one is doing that ■■■■ to the PvPr’s. They don’t have to mine or run hauling missions --industrial gameplay isn’t being forced onto them, but instead this just works one-way and some people hate that.

You don’t? That’s fine. I’m sure many agree with you. I however don’t. High sec should be mostly secure from gankers and I’ll not change my position on that. IF someone wants to gank a pilot in high sec there should be a helluva huge penalty for it so they’d need to choose their targets wisely.

FYI, nobody cares what you think.


You do. Don’t lie. You reply all the time.

Me replying isn’t an indicator of caring, it’s more an indicator of feeling amused at your belief that you are going to fundamentally change the game.

Look, if you want a safe space to mine - why don’t you just create a Minecraft server?