And while were at it, chitkickers and askless chaps.
can’t believe I missed this.
Remind me, do we have cows in EVE? Wouldn’t we need to add the cows first before moving on to the cowboy hats, you know, to make it canon?
But are they herded at all, and more importantly; are they herded intergalactically?
May I refer you to an asteroid belt of your choice, sir, to find ruminants of several distinct species ? But do we really need to add more ? And what about some of your colleagues, who may not approve the move as it would affect the delicate ecosystem ?
Twenty mining permits sold = 1 free cowboy hat ?
Twenty dead cows orcas = 1 free pair of boots ?
I think we need to finish the whole lore portal debacle before we start adding something that could pivot the whole inner saga of New Eden like the addition of Intergalactic Cowboy Hats.
This could tumble everything.
Just imagine Empress Cadiz with a cowboy hat.
Is that a path you’re willing to go down?
Yes. Yes I am.
May Bob have mercy on our souls.
She already wears the boots. Or was that Empress Jamyl ?
I would pay money for this.
+1 for cowboy hats
+1 for pirate hats too
As long as its in the queue. This is truly an important item to prioritize after the lore portal debacle.
I forgot to mention, in order for it to be canon, it does not have to match up to cattle even though cattle is in Eve. This could be one of those “symbols” / archaic items whose original intent/origin is unknown and now it relates to something totally different later on. It could be as simple as someone finding one in an old Jove hold or something and it suddenly becomes fashionable because some notorious individual started wearing it and had mistaken the hat for some other interpterion like bounty hunters or some elite warriors.
I can see the entire ever player base following the same mindset as that guy from the “simply guitar” advert
cowboy atire, learn 3 cords, release a country and western album, horrible fake southern accents then learn more cords and become a pop singer.
I’m going to need a lore citation from CCP for why donuts (EVE - Special Edition Assets: Donut Holder) survived as a cultural artifact from Earth, but the plains of Amarr didn’t need some ‘Howdy y’all’ hat tipping during the New Eden Dark Ages.
As an individual who Yehaaaaws frequently, I pledge my fully erect support of cowboy (brokeback or otherwise) paraphernalia to this glorious game.
Cowboys are in Space
CCP Games please comply
Cowboy hats desired
Don’t forget Linux players
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