We need cowboy hats for our avatars… ships would be a bonus. Come on down to Texas some time. I will buy you guys a decent cowboy hat for you guys to model and we can go get some delicious steak at one of our local BBQ joints. Even GM Carbon appreciates the importance of cowboy hats in eve.

From one of my posts below:
I forgot to mention, in order for it to be canon, it does not have to match up to cattle even though cattle is in Eve. This could be one of those “symbols” / archaic items whose original intent/origin is unknown and now it relates to something totally different later on. It could be as simple as someone finding one in an old Jove hold or something and it suddenly becomes fashionable because some notorious individual started wearing it and had mistaken the hat for some other interpterion like bounty hunters or some elite warriors.


  • A concerned Texan

This is clearly a topic of grave concern to the EVE community at large.


Why would we need them? I barely look at my avatar as it is unless it gets thrown into a meme video about boundary violations.

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You might just be the kind of guy who prefers spreadsheets and databases. Should try playing EVE headless as all the ship models aren’t required or needed anyway. Make the whole thing black and white.

Why would we need them? Why anyone wants an aesthetic item. To customize their character. To add character to their Kill Mail. For Memes. Because Texas is superior. CCP can get more money to hopefully keep this game alive. You may hate fortnite, but you can definitely appreciate its success on vanity items much like League of Legends.

Having more vanity items gives revenue to CCP. The best part too… You don’t have to buy it if you don’t want it!

I welcome all cultured individuals who understand the importance of cowboy hats.


As a West Virginian, i concur, bring in cowboy hats.


Yes, we need cowboy hats in EVE. Why you may ask? Well, for someone who spends plenty of time in low/null/w-space, it is essentially life on the frontier. If I am going to live out there, I might as well look the part too. And why stop at a hat? We should also have bandoliers, bandanas, dusters, chaps, and cowboy boots. I mean, we even have a ship called the Marshal. CCP needs to embrace both the cowboys and cowgirls of EVE.


i think this would be a great idea, we need more clothes!


After yesterday’s ccp-live-stream: Help us, @ccp_fleebix, you’re our only hope !!


What! And no boots to go with the hats??? :pleading_face:

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You can get in line, this game from Iceland doesn’t even have respectable beards. :crazy_face:


Respectable beards are also desired. This truly highlights how much CCP games is missing out.

Boots would also be a plus, but not important as cowboy hats… unless you are one of those people that like feet photos…

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If you ever spent time on a working farm, boots were more important. Hats could be switched out, boots, no.

What about pirate hats? Avast ye scurvy dogs!


This I can get behind… or under?

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I like the pirate hat idea. It’s international. If we give the US the cowboy garb, then we have to be fair and give other nationalities their garb as well. Where would it end?

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Required to stop and at least give this thread a ‘Howdy’ :cowboy_hat_face:

+1 carry on


Probably when they got to toque


:grimacing: Um, err, ahem… I’m stuck wearing one of those in the winter. And since my farm time was in CA. I’m all for it!
Great White North - YouTube

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@Salt_Foambreaker Let’s be practical here, (enthusiastic @ccp_fozzie voice over kicks in) "with Dynamic Portrait Evolution (DPE), an exciting new feature that will hit New Eden in a future patch :

  • automatic, live hair growth becomes a “thing” in EvE
  • the older the clone, the longer the beard (or any other body hair you may sport and sprout, no I don’t go into details, let that just be a surprise to you).
  • The portrait updates automatically with each centimeter growth (or half inches, for the revolutionaries using imperial units).
  • There will be a “shave” button in the portrait window for pilots who spend most of their game time in space, just like there is a “clean” button in the fitting window…
  • Fresh clone will also mean freshly shaven. So get podded often, to preserve that fresh look.
  • Station dwellers will NOT have a “shave” button and will inevitably grow their hairs faster and in more unwanted places. to make perfectly clear who flies spaceships and who doesn’t really. This part of the mechanic will be known as “shave fatigue”.
  • The presence of the “shave” button will be linked to the number of jumps per session over a period, reducing “shave fatigue” and, in the end, rewarding the active pilot with a “shave” button.
  • “Shave fatigue” will be visible on the screen in the format of a green dot on the portrait, with audible updates from Aura (“Shave, pilot !”) and a convenient popup window with the current hair length, at discrete intervals.
  • At the time of writing there is no extra bonus for shooting and podding pilots with “Shave Fatigue”. However, such a feature may become a reality in the future, after ccp is done with “studying” the pilot bounty system.
  • Ideas for commercials can be sent to ccp central, to the bearded folks up there.
  • the NPE will include training on this new feature, the DPE, so as not to scare off the new wildlife streaming into the game, the hairy hordes of the future.
  • The “Barber’s” event will take place once every year, rewarding the pilots with unique skins for podding “beards”. During this event these “beards” or station dwellers, will be kicked from their stations in a random ship, regardless of them being logged in or not, available for random pvp pinata fun.

p.s. it’s Sunday, the silliest day of the week. Can you tell ? lmao


Yeehaw partner! Cowboy hat would be uplifting.

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