That’s another common thing they say on the forums, besides “you can’t play solo”. “Your zkillboard is empty, you’re playing it wrong”.
And according to SDT these people are just under controlled causal orientation.
Causality orientations theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) distinguishes among
three broad classes of behavior and motivationally relevant psycho-
logical processes: autonomous, control-determined, and impersonal.
Autonomous behaviors are initiated and regulated by choices that are
based on an awareness of one’s needs and integrated goals. People
who function autonomously are hypothesized to seek out choice and
to experience their behavior as self-initiated. Control-determined be-
haviors are initiated and regulated by controls in the environment such
as reward structures or by internally controlling imperatives indicating
how one “should” or “must” behave. People who are oriented toward
control are expected to seek out controls and to interpret their environ-
ment as controlling. Impersonal behaviors are those whose initiation
and regulation are perceived to be beyond a person’s intentional con-
trol. People with an impersonal orientation are likely to believe that they
cannot control their behavior and consequently cannot obtain desired
outcomes; their behavior can generally be described as amotivational
or helpless.
When you apply to a corp, usually you gain a lot of relatedness unless it’s a giant corp, but at the same time you lose your autonomy. There are fleet roams you must attend, structure bashes and defence, wars, etc., FC jumps and warps you around, calls targets.
This is the kind of behaviour where people feel motivated to demonstrate ability to maintain self-worth. While this is internally driven, introjected behavior has an external perceived locus of causality or not coming from one’s self. Since the causality of the behavior is perceived as external, the behavior is considered non-self-determined.
Life goals are long-term goals people use to guide their activities, and they fall into two categories:
- Intrinsic Aspirations : Contain life goals like affiliation, generativity and personal development.
- Extrinsic Aspirations : Have life goals like wealth, fame and attractiveness.
There have been several studies on this subject that chart intrinsic goals being associated with greater health, well being and performance.