Would you gank someone?

First you warn them that there are gankers in the system, then you login with your alts and kill them to prove it. This is just so hilariously nefarious that I can’t stop laughing thinking about it :joy: :joy: !! If anyone ever wanted to know what “lawful evil” looks like, this would be a fantastic example.
I am sure those miners learned their lesson. Thanks for sharing your story!

With ventured regards
-James Fuchs


Not only that, but their competition lowers the value of your ore.

Smart miners gank their competitors. It’s simple economics.

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I ganked an Endurance in low recently to remind the owner that you have to be able to dscan and run in less time than my gate cloak + combat scan probe scanning duration + warp duration + lock time

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Those are fun catches

If the opportunity presents itself, yes.

So it’s like the movie Highlander? There can be only one?
I mean, if all miners participate in the competition, doesn’t that mean that, to the eye of one miner, all the others have to go, even his friends, his fellow miners in the same corporation ?

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How many miners are there in EVE? That’s a lot of ganking to do. Plus each one would have to be ganked and podded half a dozen times before they would even think of giving up.

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Sounds like that’s what Ax’l is saying. At least that’s how I understand this

So if there is only two miners in the whole game it would still be one too many.

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A long time ago CCP put out some kind of statistic, and it was something like 34% of the entire population was high-sec mining? And that was a long time ago, back when the game had quite a bit more PvPers and PvP activities in it, and players didn’t complain as much.

That is how I understand his post too. I don’t think one would have enough with one lifetime to gank all the miners in EVE several times over.
I could be wrong but I don’t think it can be done.

So let’s count only the daily number of logged players. 25k. That’s about, what, 8 or 9k miners to gank into oblivion?

Daily numbers are higher than that because not everyone stays logged in the entire day from downtime. There could be something like 100,000 accounts logging in per day (or more). If we knew the average logged in time per account per day it would be possible to calculate.

But yes, many many thousands of miners every day. Plus other miner-adjacent players, like PI farmers and mission-runners.

High-sec accounts for about 80% of the server’s population, and of that 80%, something like 75% are PvE-grinding players, with the rest being players doing logistics, traders, AFK players sitting in stations, a small handful of PvPers, etc.

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That would be, at half a dozen times, around 60,000 ganks, all for one guy.
Anyone feel up to that challenge?


That’s 4 times more that previously thought. So that would be around 240,000 ganks for one person.


So, how long would it take to kill 240.000 miners?

With curious regards
-James Fuchs


That’s a question for the best ganker in EVE.


Miner ganking isn’t viable anymore because on average it takes a lot more ISK to kill a miner than you can make per gank. CCP has ensured this with repeated gank nerfs over the past few years. If you want to gank miners, you basically have to sell PLEX to be able to afford to do so.

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@Destiny_Corrupted Do you know who is the best ganker in EVE? I would like to know how long it would take to gank 240,000 miners.

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I think ganking miners is hilarious but sitting on the pipe and waiting for something worth the isk is sooooo fkn boring that I’d rather play Diablo 2… or Hello Kitty on Adventure Island really.

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In High Sec, never. But anything goes in Low and Null, because you have no idea if the other pilot burning towards you if the pilots is gonna lock you up and call in back-up or not.

Best to stay on a gate if you detest attacking neutrals who have a very positive Sec Status that might be having a change of mind and have opted for PvP.

That information may not be available. I doubt we can find out even with zKill.
I think one would not have enough with a lifetime to do that even being logged 24/7/365

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