Would you gank someone?

Whataboutisms is a logical fallacy.

Sad, that is all you had for a counter-argument.

Better luck next time.

@Ax_l_Thorne It was just a question, asked out of curiosity that your post created.

Iā€™m sorry you take it as a personal attack. I donā€™t see why, since I made it abundantly clear that I am for ganking.

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Why would you think I took it personally?

I simply stated that your rebuttal was a logical fallacy.

Some people cannot discuss. They take everything as personal attack. :woman_shrugging: Nothing you can do about it. Itā€™s just the way things are.


Some people donā€™t understand logic, and project their hurt feelings (because they were called out on it) onto the person the pointed out the lack of logic.

And some people create sock puppets to try and validate their positions!

Imagine that!

The simple fact, is you took it to the extreme conclusion of a slippery slope. That sort of nonsense usually doesnā€™t warrant a reply because of the sheer ludicrousness of it.

But for the sake of playing nice. Letā€™s say this.

An independent miner could gain an advantage if say, some other miner moved into their territory by removing the interloper. If that miner chooses to allow the foreign miner to stay, he will now have competition to deal with. The value of his ore is now less because the other miner is injected their ore into the market.

Suppose you take it a step further and look at the corp level. The Hek Mining Association is a perfect example of this. They forcefully remove any competition mining from individual miners to corps that mine in their claimed system.

You could take it further and talk about alliances. The whole null sec blue to you stuff. They remove any competition that dares to mine/rat/do whatever in their systems.

The fact that you failed to recognize this is a red flag that tells me that youā€™ve never played this game.



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It doesnā€™t really work that way. Thereā€™s smart miners, and thereā€™s not so smart miners. The smart miners find the good places to mine that are infrequently visited by gankers. There are actually some not far from trading hubs. The idea is to find a system with a sufficiently low average population that youā€™d notice if half a dozen gankers suddenly arrive.

The not so smart miners mine the same old high population system again and againā€¦even though the very people who ganked them the previous time might be living there or right next door. It would seem a lot of them donā€™t even set ganker groups to bad standingā€¦so they have absolutely no idea ( even thought it is easy to set up ) there are gankers in the system. This is Eveā€™s equivalent of the Darwin Awardsā€¦and we should let it take its course.


Would you say there are more smart miners or more miners who arenā€™t smart?
Can one even tell? Is it even possible to know how many miners there are in all of New Eden?

Hard to say, because by definition killboard has a selection bias towards those that are killed. But going by the fact that I used to find systems to mine in where I was literally the only person in the systemā€¦well, there canā€™t be a huge number doing that or I would not have been alone.

Ventures are the most destroyed ship in the gameā€¦with Caracals in second place. The vast majority of Venture destructionā€¦way over 95% of itā€¦occurs in lowsec or null so is not really ā€˜gankingā€™ as such. In fact, one can observe from killboard that on some days more Ventures in highsec are killed by NPCs than by gankers.


What do you mean by ā€œselection biasā€? What does that look like?
So zKill isnā€™t anything to go by?

I donā€™t think thatā€™s any indication of anything either. There are, what, seven thousand systems in N.E? Depending on the number of players logged in thereā€™s bound to be empty systems.

So some of the questions only have their answers at CCPā€™s headquarters.

A few systems I have mined inā€¦

Azerakishā€¦a 0.6 system 7 or 8 jumps from Amarr. Used to be home of Nocturne corporation but now largely abandoned. I could mine there and never see anyone. Safety would pop in once in a blue moon. It also contains the largest asteroid belt I have seen in Eveā€¦some 600 or 700km across.

Aurcel. A 0.5 system. Although it is right next to lowsec and part of a direct route from Minmatar space, it also seldom has more than half a dozen people in it. Huge asteroidsā€¦and some belts close enough to NPC station for rapid escape.

Mirilene. A 0.8 system. Just two jumps away from noob training system in Trossere and the AIR starter system in Bourynes. Amazing how few noobs have discovered it as a place to mine. Lots of belts, and once again easy escape to NPC stations. It is more frequenly visited by gankers thoughā€¦especially solo gankers after Ventures. This system is basically where my Eve startedā€¦so I have fond memories of it.

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Would I?
Absolutely, if I knew Iā€™d be successful.
I live in J-Space. Itā€™s not uncommon for us to find a hisec connection with a bunch of Hulks out. If I can rustle up the required numbers to ensure success, then yes, Iā€™ll happily lead a gank squad.
Would I spend hours setting up a gank? Unlikely, unless I thought thereā€™d be a profit in it.
Miner ganking is refreshing. You feel cleansed and virtuous making a Mackinaw go pop.
I seriously suggest giving it a go if you havenā€™t already.

This is EVE Online.
All players explicitly consent to PvP in all areas of the game by undocking from a station.
Itā€™s been this way since server up and will continue to be this way until server death.


lots. more than are prepared to admit it.
some of us who gank are also known to shoot rocks on occasion.
my preferred mining ops are for WH gas. i fully expect to get shot at on occasion. it is incumbent upon me to keep my Prospects safe.
I also use a boosh dessy as a mining booster. manyā€™s the time iā€™m 100km away moonwalking out when the saber lands and pops a bubble.
sometimes Iā€™m a little slow and said saberā€™s buddies get to frag a handful of expedition frigates.
i accept this.
sometimes you find the content, sometimes you are the content.
itā€™s one of the things that makes EVE such a different and unique game.

That one I know. But I have just started to scout for good systems to mine in, logging whoā€™s where and I have about a month to complete my survey, waiting to finish training for the Prospect.
Hoping to convince some members of my corporation to mine with me.
I want to stay within Gallente space ( at least for mining ) so I donā€™t have to haul through Lowsec or any bottlenecks. Planning to mine around a few systems touching Hisec/Lowsec and planning to lose a few Prospects until I get the hang of slipping through their fingers.
Thank you for the info.

Right. So we donā€™t know.

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You canā€™t use a system that records kills to establish how many are not killed. Killboard will only show you how many were ganked, or were destroyed by NPCs. Thereā€™s no data on how many were mining overallā€¦or what portion of miners were ganked on any day. BUTā€¦there is a slight inference one can draw. The number of Ventures ganked every day in highsec is generally the same as the number of Ventures destroyed by NPCs. That suggests Venture ganking is not really a huge issue.

Some surprising statsā€¦

HIghsec systems 1192
Lowsec systems 688
Nullsec systems 3321
Wormholes 2604

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Someone or just anyone?

Not suggesting thereā€™s any issue. Iā€™m in EVE mainly for the PvP anyway.

Thatā€™s what I wanted to know and itā€™s regarding the convo we had a few posts above with Destiny and Princess.
I appreciate your answers. Itā€™s that much more knowledge gained.

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I havenā€™t mined in Mirilene for some time, but when I did I was usually based at the Moon 9 station. From there I had a good insta-undock to one of the asteroid belts. Sometimes the Moon 9 station itself buys oreā€¦( I think thereā€™s a corp called Elementium that buys it ) but if not, there is nearly always a market next door in Vittenyn.

Safety pop in there now and then , but the real concern is solo gankers like Guybertini, who ā€˜practicedā€™ on me ( I got 2 kill rights from him failing to gank me ) and is a way better ganker now. That area is his hunting ground.

I still have a totally unfitted Tornado at the Moon 9 station, bought when I planned to train up for itā€¦but then I joined Absolute Order and other skills jumped the list. And my original Ventureā€¦my very first ship in Eveā€¦is still there, gathering dust.