Would you gank someone?

Good to know. Thanks! I don’t plan on mining that much anyway. I don’t need to make isk with any activity. I can buy PLEX and be happy. I mainly want to pew-pew and maybe do some exploration. I want to see what Abyss is all about and take a trip to Pochven… hopefully catch a war.
I don’t have set plans. I just play to play and hopefully have fun.

My advice…before you go mining in a system, go ratting there in the asteroid belts. Familiarise yourself with the belt layout, see how populated the system is, etc. Create bookmarks at the belts that are on the opposite side of the asteroids to the belt landing point ( and preferably ‘above’ the belts, to make escape easier ). Find out where you will actually sell your ore…as its pointless having a superb mining system if your nearest market is some distance away.

Actually, although I seldom mine any more, I still go ratting in all the systems I used to mine in.


Sounds like good advice. Thank you!

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I’m in Gallente space too. If you don’t get anyone to, I will go mine with you.

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Awesome. :blush:

I will vote yes with the following conditions;
Only if it is a fair fight. I don’t attack defenseless vessels like ventures and whatnot. Assuming they are running with an escort, then it would be fair to take out the escort and demand they stand and deliver. If I found a Miasmos running with a Gnosis escort, it is pretty obvious they have something worth protecting.

Also people should learn to passive scan the cargo, it is so embarrassing to gank an empty freighter.

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How is that embarrassing?

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It’s like hijacking an empty armored truck.

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It’s like mugging someone and finding $2 in the wallet

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For some of us, the action is the juice.


I understand that. For lack of better prey and all… sure. Whatever falls into your hands, it’s still fun.
Still tho, that’s what it would feel like to me.

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That’s worth it. Can still buy candies for $2 and sell the wallet.

If you build or sell freighters it’s just good business.

And if someone is bright enough to fit cargo expanders on their empty freighter it is appropriate to let them know the error of their judgement.

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Gankers are very rich enough to gank empty hulls. Do not fly empty hulls.

Tank it up.

Reverse psychology doesn’t work in EVE especially with gankers.

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Had you read some of the debates?

/ Even on this very thread it’s quite clear ganking is losing the battles!

I kill empty freighters on principle.

Embarrassing for them to lose an empty freighter.


Not really, because the freighter pilot failed to put any, you know, armor on it (structural reinforcements)

More like a hijacking an empty mail truck.

What do you have against empty freighters?


She said, It’s embarrassing to the Freighter pilot to loose an empty freighter.

Does she even know what it feels like to lose an empty freighter?

Don’t think she’s even going to understand.