Would you gank someone?

Common man. Don’t be dense. Feeling the loss of a freighter is for the plebs. She’s a high born princess. Such things are beneath her.

She has servants on staff that do that for her.

Well I don’t know what it would feel like to lose an empty freighter

So you and @Destiny_Corrupted are more into the failed heists such as this one? I am a bigger fan of the well planned successful heist like Inside Man from 2006 or Kelly’s Heroes from 1970.

A Miasmos holding 80 million worth of gas is better than an empty can. At least Destiny is going for the Goon’s Prorators worth 13 Billion and not swatting at flies for 100 K.


I think you misunderstand what I actually do. I don’t go for specific things; I go for literally anything I can find.

Also that hauler was worth much more than 13 billion. The total zKill value is 35, but some of those abyssal mods are basically officer-tier. I don’t even know how much some of them are worth yet.


Sounds like a “you” problem.

hehe - it keeps the right people off balance…even an empty freighter isn’t safe. As a delightful benefit, it also often provides the most valuable commodity in the cluster - NaCL. That some seemingly can’t fathom people might do things in a game for reasons other than stacking pixel gold is in itself amusing, not embarrassing.

Perhaps and even though this was explained to us all just above. It still doesn’t make sense.

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Why not?

I am starting to turn to the opposite side and will fight for my freedom.

Gifs are equal to units of copium. More gifs == more copium.

Huff the **** up.

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Keep this up and you’ll receive my September HS payment.

I read somewhere that it could cost upwards of 8 or 10 billion isk to live in Nulsec!

So much cheaper to stay in HS


What is it I’m coping with, again, Captain Projectum?


Assuming that those who get ganked continue to buy them.

That it is indeed.
Just like slapping any other wrong module on any other wrong ship… :person_shrugging: I’m tempted to write duh but I think I will refrain.

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Not doing it for the ISK thought, just like having fun. That’s all. :wink:

Btw I think HS is only cheaper if you are not constantly losing expensive stuff like marauders, freighters full of stuff, blinged mining ships, abyssal Gilas and so on. I sometimes stumble upon people or corps with killboards like that and just wonder how they do not learn from their past experiences and keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. :eyes:


I do. It feels underwhelming. Like someone stole my moped that doesn’t work and that I desperately wanted to get rid of lest I get cited for it encumbering my backyard.


That’s what they all say

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Some days I feel sorry for the deer.
Other days I’m all dog.
And as I wouldn’t gank in hisec, that effectively makes me Lawful Neutral :grin:

Where else would you gank??

… anywhere there is an unaware victim?

The murky waters of w-space are quite appealing. The cursed seas of nullsec, same.

Btw, “ganking” doesn’t share the same definition in EvE as it has in other MMO’s. Here it just means “pvp’ing”. The negative connotations are not necessarily there (unless in loaded forum posts about naughty, unfair, one-sided hisec pvp and boohoohoo non-consensual).

Beware the hairy dude in the canine suit.