Would you gank someone?

I was under the impression that Ganking happens in Hisec. Any other space and it’s just PvP.
Members of this forum correct other members when they write " I got ganked in Lowsec " by saying there’s no ganking but in Hisec and now it changes… Is there any consistency in this forum or it’s just whatever happens to jump in someone’s mind at the moment?
So I was ganked in 0.4 ? Or was I not?

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You’re asking too much from this bunch.

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Perhaps there is a generational conflict in the definition of “Ganking” in EvE. I’m not getting involved in that one. Just blow them up (yeah, dog today).

Like someone else said so eloquently in another thread: “If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn’t move, shoot it in case it would start moving”.

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Chicken but with its head still on :stuck_out_tongue:

I will hide behind the letter G on eve uni’s wiki “EvE Lexicon” page, where they say “Ganking: To ambush and destroy an enemy, without giving them the chance to fight back.” which is a tactically very sound, wise, cheap and safe approach to blowing up internet spaceships that do not belong to your character.

At the appropriate time I will uncloak and just blow some ■■■■ up.


You were not… but who cares? It was pew-pew and the results were the same.

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You read wrong

Straight Pew-Pew that.
It’s not PvP, it’s PwPw


Coping with cringe?

You first have to be in a Nullsec corp before even thinking of going into Null. In that case, it may cost you nothing.

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You have to wait to have at least 10M SP before you even apply, remember?

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Then they wonder why players don’t go to Null :rofl:

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@Sienna_Massilia Sienna_Massilia 10M sp ? EDIT (thank you @Sienna_Massilia ): That’s roughly 5 months of omega (with reasonable remapping of attributes and with at least a basic (+3) learning implant set). I can get you into a stealth bomber in one month’s time (for dropping bombs, not shooting torps), with my very easy to follow skill plan, from a fresh character.

@Iceacid_Frostpacker And no, it does not cost 8-10B ISK to join nullsec. Whatever gives someone that idea ?! When I rejoined null last year I literally arrived there in a t2 frigate, my wallet, and my skill points (which are the real wealth in this game), bought a couple of ships there (to go mining and make the first cash, and to run the simple anoms). And I had fun !!

The thing of course is, if you don’t have some skill levels that allow you to survive and make some cash, then it won’t work. That’s why many corp/alliances have a skill point requirement. If I remember correctly, my first nullsec alliance had a downward limit of 20M sp, and that was for Providence region, which was the place to sample life in nullsec as a new player when it was still NRDS space. That was roughly 10 months playing (there was only omega back then), so you at least knew how to filter your pod fluid and where the implants went… I always thought that those requirements were unnecessary - I joined them when I had around 10M anyway.

But I can highly recommend anywhere else but hisec, if you want to sample the true potential of the game.

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By the time I have 10M SP I’m not sure I’d want to go to Null. I may decide to go as far as Lowsec and make it a home, maybe even start my own corporation.

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Still waiting and you may inform your handler that this time is running out.

low sec is arguably more dangerous than null sec.


I could afford around 3 that is all I could safely front for roleplay in Nul a month.

It is not. I just went through 45 days of Omega, with 3 full Skill Injectors and I don’t have 10M SP, I have 4.557.514SP

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I’m not looking for safery and security.

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