Would you gank someone?



I made the gankers look for different targets because they were too afraid to come into the sites without their warp in chars. :joy:

I prefer the good olā€™ gate camp myself, this high sec miner bashing doesnt really interest me

Who can say no to some juicy, young and tender miner? We have to regenerate our souls

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ganking someone via e.g. a blops drop: yes
suicide ganking in highsec: rather unlikely


For me, the answer is: no.
I simply donā€™t see any sensible reason to ruin someoneā€™s gameplay by destroying their ship and pod in a space (I mean highsec) where they donā€™t expect such malicious behaviour.


Didnā€™t Vote, cause there too much at stake here with a simple yes or no. should had a third option or Maybe :slight_smile:

But would I Gank? depends. on the situation.

For the most part, there are so many other ways in eve to get back at someone who has ā€œwrongedā€ you. You notice I put Quotes. Cause causation and effect are just point of views. Story Time

When I was younger, I always felt that the bad guys were the Empire and the good guys were the rebellion in Star Wars. But as I grew older and saw things from a more mature and experienced mind set. I cannot say the same thing for Star Wars any longer.

The Jedi say they are the moral compass for the galaxy yet any kind of morality has to take into fact there are Absolutes and Extenuating circumstances or mitigating factors that play an important role in each situation. I have no problem with Black and white as long as you hear the situation from all sides possible.

What does this have to do with Eve?

Not much itā€™s only a game :slight_smile: but never the less feelings and point of views are always involved.

Of course I would. Itā€™s part of the game.

Why donā€™t we have threads that ask:
Would you shoot a lazer at an asteroid?
Would you blow up an NPC?
Would you risk a BPO for research?
Would you accept log-in rewards?


Not anymore.

In ages past, we could infiltrate corporations and assassinate targets through sanctioned ā€œfriendly fire,ā€ we could declare wars on targets without needing them to consent to wars via structure ownership, we could trick targets into committing criminal acts that are now blocked by the safety system, etc. etc.

These days, all of these mechanics have opt-out mechanisms that make them effectively impossible.

Ganking is the only option players have left to guarantee a successful attack against a target, assuming they have enough firepower, and can find the target in space.


You just called the VAST majority of people who NEVER been ganked that they have survivorship bias?! :joy: :joy: Guess I am on that list according to you. :joy:

Itā€™s a FACT that a very small amount of people do get ganked in relation to the LARGE amount of people who go through the 0.5 pipes.

No, gankers are not going around murdering everyone and everything as carebears think it is. Most of the time if not all the time itā€™s a calculated targeted attack. When I tell them this, they put their heads in the sand and refuse to let their fragile world views be destroyed.

Maybe if you mine further away from jita you would live some more? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


People left in the game are either those who support ganking or those who are somewhat fine with it (on various levels). Include in your survey players who have left the game because of the mechanics and people who will never even start playing, because a friend whoā€™s playing the game told them that ganking exists.

There is a small amount of cancerous cells in a body, compared to healthy ones - it does not mean that the whole organism is not sick.

Tell that to people who left the game because of it or the people who will never start playing because of it. Iā€™m sure you will manage to change their mind about the game and make them subscribe [again].

Lookā€¦ the mechanic is toxic and is bad for the game. The number of players would be higher without it.

Personally, I donā€™t care. Iā€™ve learned to live with it and Iā€™m still here after 17 years. But the fact is that there is an increasingly smaller amount of people who are willing to deal with such a toxic mechanic in a game, especially nowā€¦ 17 years laterā€¦ when there are plethora of options when it comes to games.


Citation and hard proof required.

Thank you.


Ah yes. Weak minded people being controlled by their friendā€™s recommendations and failing to do their own due diligence.

Please see ā€œband wagonā€ logical fallacy for more information.

Ah yes, the old ā€œanalogyā€ comparing a population of people in a video game to that of a biological system of cells in an organism.

See ā€œFalse Equivalencyā€ logical fallacy for more information.

Ah yes, the whole ā€œI donā€™t care, but you should because your behavior is toxicā€ routine.

See ā€œAppeal to Emotional Manipulationā€ for more information.


Would I suicide gank someoneā€¦no

Do I have an issue with others suiciding gankingā€¦no

Its part of the game. Sometimes avoiding the gank or surviving the gank is an enjoyable part of the game.

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Whilst I support gankingā€¦Iā€™d make the point that surveys here donā€™t actually prove anything. A lot of the people posting on the forums tend to be the more aggressive/assertive sort anywayā€¦who are more likely to support all forms of PvP. So there is selection bias from the outset.

Forum surveys are more just a source of funā€¦and discussion of a topic.


Cry me a river that is what I will tell those people.

Oh you didnā€™t fit your ship right? Oh you cargo expanded your freighter? Oh you are mining near jita?

Then why do you want to die on the hill that gankers are evil, everywhere, and terrorizing everyone? Do you at least acknowledge the fact there are PLENTY of Anti gank measures ANYONE can take to not die?

  • Fly what you can afford
  • Tank your ship properly (no cargo expanders on 99% of haulers)
  • Watch local chat, watch D-scan, put known gankers on contacts list.
  • Mine, Do missions, Indy AWAY from populated areas. HS/LS is very very big. Gankers are a small minority compared to the large number of unpopulated HS/LS systems.
  • Stay under the radar. Gankers target people who are prime suspects to produce a lot of salt. Gankers kill the easiest ships possible. If you go and start insulting gankers you may get on their kill radar.

Do you care about empowering and educating people on how NOT to get ganked? I live and preach this daily. I learned from my mistakes long ago and I grown from it. Quitters mean nothing to me dude.

From what I read so far you are just old, tired, and bitter about EVE. Try out some of the new space titles coming out in fall.

Itā€™s insulting calling people who are smart and know about anti ganking that they have survivorship bias.

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I donā€™t want those weaklings playing with me on the same server. let them play some farming game. I donā€™t care.

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Would i?

This poll is a bit late to ask me that, i was doing it nearly 2 decades ago lol

I usually do not play alone as I get bored easily, But I do enjoy mining. Years ago, around 2016/17, when I mined in highsec, the story went like this: Some other miner came to our system. We wrote in chat he should be careful as there are many gankers around. if he stayed and continued mining we logged in our ganking alts and killed him just to prove the fact that there are many gankers in system. this way we could mine in peace.


I accept ganking as an occupational hazard and take steps to keep my losses to a minimum, with an acceptable rate of success.

I may take the occasional opportunistic kill at the right time and place if i happen to be in the right ship with the right fit, which is occasionally.

I may take the time to prepare for and go after a specific target if I feel owed some redress, or if theyā€™re just particularly arsey.

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