Universal capital / super / titan pilot with some extra skills:
Set your offers here
- time for offers - one week, starts now. ends 14.08 at 12:00 Moscow time
- no BO, unless i consider your offer very good
- the highest price will be accepted, if the highest offer is canceled - i reserve right not to accept the 2nd after highest offer
I accept Alpha Kingpin’s offer - pls contact me via Discord (Rossomahaar#1024) to start deal
I will mail character in game with account details and send isk per ccp policy
isk and account info sent
@Lux_Infernalis waiting on your transfer confirmation
Hold until friday 14/08
ISK returned
confirmed. waiting for seller to be ready to xfer. fine waiting
(Lian lei)
agreed private offer in game, isk and account info sent thanks.
isk and info confirmed - transfer started
hahaha so much for needing till friday
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