WTA: Rare Scorpion Ishukone Watch SKIN for PLEX for GOOD

Hi everyone,

To raise funds for the ongoing PLEX for GOOD campaign and help people affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria I am auctioning off the rarest and most precious item I have obtained in my almost 19 years of playing EVE Online - a Scorpion Ishukone Watch SKIN - something which should be highly coveted by EVE Online collectors.

This item is special for many reasons:

  • First of all its origin is very controversial and constitutes a small but infamous part of EVE Online history. I won’t go into it here but if you Google Ishukone Scorpion and Somer Blink you can get caught up.

  • Secondly it’s super rare. I’m to understand only 132 of these were minted as single-run BPCs. These come from before the SKIN system even existed and each paint job was regarded as a different hull but were subsequently converted from BPCs to injectable SKINs. Most of these are probably injected into peoples heads already and more still are probably on inaccessible or retired accounts and are therefore locked away for good, so perhaps only a handful of these still exist uninjected and are available to players.

  • Thirdly (and hopefully I’m not putting too much significance on this element but if it helps increase its value for the sake of charity then why not) it will have most recently been a cherished possession of a CCP employee which hopefully makes this particular SKIN even more special. You won’t just own any iScorp SKIN; you’d own CCP Convict’s iScorp SKIN. For what that’s worth.

  • Finally, your investment won’t simply be going into my pockets. You’ll get a fantastically rare SKIN with some EVE Online history attached but your ISK will flow to charitable organisations and will help some desperate people who are currently facing some of the most difficult circumstances many of us could barely imagine.

The auction will run from now until 11:00 UTC on Sunday, 19 February at which point I will contact the highest bidder to finalise the deal. If I don’t hear back from the bidder within 24 hours I will contact the next one and so on.

The last time I saw one of these for sale on the open market in Jita it was selling for 35 billion ISK so I hope to get at least that much. Upon receiving the ISK I will convert it into PLEX and then send that to the CCP PLEX for GOOD character.

As this is an auction for PLEX for GOOD I must invoke this paragraph from our charity terms and conditions:

CCP regards any scamming attempts surrounding PLEX for GOOD to be morally reprehensible, and any attempts at scamming relating to this program will be met with the harshest and swiftest action at our disposal.

While not scamming per se, vexatious bids on this item are especially egregious so please respect the purpose of this auction and only bid if you are genuinely interested in the item and have the ISK to part with.

Thank you and good luck with your bidding!

Starting bid: 10 billion ISK
Minimum increment: 250 million ISK
Closing date & time: 11:00 UTC on Sunday, 19 February

No reserve, no buyout.

Item is located in Jita 4-4.


I’ll start it off at 15 Bil

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I’ll raise to 20b

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I will bring it up to 25 Billion.


30bil go

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if Jita does 35bil, so do i

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Thank you for your generous bids so far! @Hink_Yaken you’re the current leader!

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40b for a good cause!


I will raise to 42 Billion.


I offer 43b for the skin…and if you are feeling generous a bonus CCP corpse to add to the CCP corpse wing of my museum =)

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I will raise to 44 Billion.


I will include a CCP Convict’s Frozen Corpse in the contract for the ultimate winner. :slight_smile:

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Awesome thx CCP Convict! I’ll raise to 45b for the skin and the corpse =)

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Shaktar I am sorry my friend but I will be owning this on the 19th
Smiles and Hearts


If someone manages to snatch it off of me, I would be glad if it will be you Minnie!

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I will raise to 50 Billion.


55 billion :slight_smile:

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Raise to 56 Billion.

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Raise 56.5b