WTB 270m-350m SP PVP Main char

280B Okay, I accept your price! You publish private transaction information

I can accept your bid! Please arrange transaction link

290 bil

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320bil if you sell today

Your acting skills are not good

well better than yours

and btw for your help his thread link is here

i shared it just because found him because of your thread but i will be bidding for that char till the time he is ready to sell problem is seller doesnt respond


He’s yours now

ok sure

335bil only for today

310bill, if you’re willing to sell it

What happened actor this guy doesn’t wanna buy no one should waste their time in this thread

I see that your character has already been sold, this is between me and him. There’s nothing more to do with you!


The great and powerful Ymerrrog is for sale.

at the right price that is.