@Kaela_Willsnot 42b and 18b

@MitsukoSouma check your mail

@Lian_lei ISK received and Transfer submitted thank you.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


I have this toon for sale if you are interested at all

@Nicholas_Roiyven 40b

Yeah I am down for that, when do you want to make the transfer?

isk and details sent, awaiting transfer thanks.

Offer. https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/andhu213

@andhu213 21b

offer please ? https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Kaldor_Reidenshi

@Kaldor_Reidenshi 95b.


I sold this toon https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Conscious to you for 55bil

@Raeteh 28b

Any offers ? I know that they are not at npc corp.

@Cmc_Alt2 80b and 56b

ill accept 28b. Ill start transfer as soon as isk is received and account transfer info is given.

Also moving them to highsec and npc corps.