Archer Tian 7B for me but if it has really good T3 skills then you can get 12B for it on the main form.
MonsterMiner your link is set to private.
NESTExec 6B for both.
Sounds good. ISK to NESTExec and mail me the account they transfer to please.
Isk and account information sent.
in progress. thanks
MonsterMiner 21B
Mad Maxx Renegade 20B
okay, that sounds good, what do you need to process please?
Just accept and I will send the ISK and account info.
Offers accepted
what about these fine felllows:
MonsterMiner Isk and account info sent.
apostoIIos 39B
collier 0011 29B
Rhiann Vokan 42B
Transfers initiated on both
Thank you
Can you stretch to 115 bill in total for all 3 characters please?
MonsterMiner I can do 112.5 and meet you halfway.