38B offer
Andi Nielsen 37B
Sorry, I have been fixing some work issues, I will accept 17b if you’re still interested, just send isk and account info, char is already in jita in npc corp waiting to transfer
isk and account info sent to scarl3t
Transfer initiated, enjoy
Received email from ccp. Thx for a smooth transfer.
100 bill would be ideal for both characters if you can do please or nearest offer
Someone posted 38 bill for Rokk but not responded so i would be happy to sell all to you
I just want ballcracker 4
okaydoke, 65 bill?
No thanxs.
so best offer please for ballcracker
I made my offer.
Okay offer accepted, yes you made your offer
Thank you very much
Now have to find buyer for Rokkbuster, but am sure i will