I’ll take that. Character is in NPC corp and positive isk. will start transfer once isk received
Isk and account info sent
Isk received and char transfer initiated
Sounds good. I’ll only be online for about an hour after this reply. But I will be online tomorrow so if you send the ISK before 6/4/2023 1200 EST I’ll start the transfer tomorrow.
30B and account sent ingame mail, thanks
Thanks in advance!
Character Sheet How much will you offer for this char its for sale
68B offer
is that reply for me or Sir_Ducha …if its for me send the transfer info and isk and i will get straight on it i am EU TZ
Hi Richie,isk sent
i will have it transferred before DT
OK o/
Sir Ducha,114B offer
Transfer done
Thanks, a bit too low… Will pass it on.
what is your offer?
10B offer
i can offer 7.5b
Price check
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