@Legit_Salesgirl 46b ?
@elindir Can do 43.5b but thats it
how much if i move him to an npc corp? thanks
56b online as well
@Legit_Salesgirl Ok 43.5b accepted ;). Awaiting ISK on this character and account information to start transfer the character.
Character is in Jita, no kill right, positive wallet & security status, no jump clones, in NPC corp
isk and info sent
@Legit_Salesgirl ISK received, character ( elindir https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/elindir ) transferred started to account given in EVE mail
i have this one im selling all good standings thanks
45b offer @Mischya
offer accepted please send details
im this one selling all good standings thanks
isk and info sent
@Roswitha_Valen 25.5b offer
offer Accepted @Legit_Salesgirl
please accept the offer with the char for sale
@Legit_Salesgirl Accepted on the char as requested
character transfer paid for and completed enjoy !
isk and info sent
Transfer completed