βœ… WTB ALL CHARS - 24/7



what is this worth please? β†’ EveSkillboard - The Wolf Bagger

4b offer @Harlequin_Warp

6b offer @The_Wolf_Bagger

Offer accepted, please send isk and acc transfer details. @Legit_Salesgirl

offer accepted @Legit_Salesgirl .

Please send ISK and account details


isk and info sent @Harlequin_Warp & @The_Wolf_Bagger

Transfer complete on my end.

Toon has high grade crystal. High grade asklepian pod and a geno pod.

20b offer @LUCY_FURRR

@Legit_Salesgirl My bank card is not working on the eve website. Are you willing to access the account and transfer yourself for a 1B isk discount?

If not I can send a ticket to CCP or you can have complete isk refund.

Let me know here asap


Uhm that’s not allowed I am sorry. You gotta refund and Contact CCP.

States clearly in the forum rules the seller has to do the Transfer.

UPDATE, currently working with eve support as we speak, you willing to wait?

sure :ok_hand:

in the mean time can you confirm you have a full refund?

sadly there is no workaround for the issue. I have fully refunded your 6,000,000,000 ISK

I just looking what you would offer

got a full refund ye @The_Wolf_Bagger

45b offer @blak_cobra

How much would you offer for EveSkillboard - MC Redders Wasteman

38b offer @Maxine_Slag

The char is currently in Jita - is that ok?

Happy to accept your offer if the answer is yes :slight_smile: