✅ WTB ALL CHARS - 24/7

Roger. can you pm me in game ?

Onu Bella


can you come ig ?

@Falzoni_Habib there is no need for that. You accept my 13b offer officially here , I send ISK and Details to the char for sale and you initiate the transfer via the website of CCP. Keep in mind Transfers cost 20$ and also can only be done if the skills are paused.

No thank you, that lower then Exc. price

Just for funzies:


@Bannnn_Hammer 4b offer , bit to low sp


Any offer?


40b offer @Jane_Thara
@Grycan_Groot 30b offer

that was 5 days ago , prices changed a bit since then.
have to stick to my offer for now

they don’t change that much in 5 days. You also don’t have any indicator that you change prices based on the market or whatever. may this contest to your dishonesty. ill pass and hopefully this sways other people from asking you to buy. Do the right thing. It was 4 days ago and I asked many times you don’t respond for 8-13 hours look at your replies there random.

Sir , its a no from me. I stick to my newest offer for now. Just sell it to someone else or make a sales post :woman_shrugging:

You also did not ask “many times” you posted I made an offer and you never responded for 4 days , the only response from you was edited and deleted please stop making up ■■■■ lmao.

Where does it say you change offer “whenever” on days past? Thats called recanting. And not fallowing a plan or at least a statement of intent to sell and buy. You have none. Therefor I would believe my offer would stand. Without an overt statement that says it may change. For instance… Please accept offer within x days or it will cancel.

Also I would believe my offer was good , if there were no statement saying it could change. I would still sell it at the 32B to you. At least show some good ethics.

Lol. You’re so funny.

Dude. I can offer 5b for your char if I wanted. I can offer whatever I want… you don’t have to take it :woman_shrugging:

@Grycan_Groot I changed my offer from 5 days ago simply because i received to many chars recently , the more chars i need the more I pay , currently to many people sell chars which drives prices down (for me personally).

Now relax… put the time to good use and make a nice sales post and get 35-40b for your Char. its possible with patience and daily bumps.
Simply don’t want to pay 32b right now but someone else might for sure , I stick to my 30b offer for now.

Lmao. You are a Indeed a Special one :heart:

Will get right to it and add a bunch of EULA Statements to my Post were it explains that I can revoke & change prices all I want. (Just for you).

Edit. Btw this one line you said made me laugh so hard “no explanation as to how that is calculated.” :rofl:
Well… you have to use… Mathematics… and the skillboard… of course were it clearly states how many extractions can be done…

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Hello how much for this Char


Let’s make a deal

EveSkillboard - Commodore Otomeya