WTB apparels

I finally failed to keep the thread alive, zheckarr.
Having not seen DMC for a while. Everyone is gone. The time may come soon.

It must stay…

Where did people go, CCP ? I miss them.

I am still somehow alive and collecting the lacking cute apparels pretty slowly.
I have perhaps added up to 50 items to my inventory. It’s not yet reflected on the spreadsheet, however I’ll adjust them in few days if possible.
I am still accepting reasonable offers though, there are not much items left convince me to pay billions of ISK in the age of PLEX hike. ( I’m expending dozens of billions ISK for the account management )

I am now looking for the item listed in the topic above that make me convince the expenditure for them are justifiable.
If you have any of them and willing to sell them for me, please contact me via Discord ( Katana Masen#2628 ). Let’s make a big deal.

Have a nice day in the age of twilight, Zheckarr, DMC and anyone else in the apparel community.

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The thread must not be dead yet.

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Ahhh, very nice. I see you got the Men’s Proven Bioadaptive Mask…

Did you buy it from the Market? I’d like to get both the Men’s and Women’s masks for my collection but currently the sale prices are just too expensive for me.

Hi DMC, I bought female edition from zheckarr and male edition from the market.
They are for sure expensive pretty much. I’m not sure but this smells gonna getting pricy by time.
Unfortunate is that I don’t have female triglavian suits which would fit very well with this mask. If you found it let me know.

Guess you’re talking about the Women’s Proven Kybernaut Combat Suit. It’s mostly black like the one you’re wearing. I’ll keep an eye out for it.

There’s also a mostly red version - Bioadaptive Kybernaut Combat Suit. I have the Men’s and Women’s versions for both of those Kybernaut combat suits. Was very tough to get…

Due to getting most of the newly released apparel items, I now have 749 different male / female apparel items in my collection. I’m starting to think I probably have the largest collection of apparel items in New Eden, lol…

Anyway, for a long time I’ve been looking for Women’s ‘Hephaestus’ Pants (green) to complete my Hephaestus line of apparel… Let me know if you happen to find that…

Yup, that’s it. I’m looking for both of them anyway.
You yeah might be the top tier apparel collector in the new eden …
I have checked my inventory and I am sadly telling you that I didn’t have extra green hephaestus pants :frowning:
Sure I’ll check them.

OK, thanks for looking.

So you’re actually looking for both versions of the Women’s Kybernaut Combat Suit and what, just the Men’s Bioadaptive Kybernaut Combat Suit (red version)?

Some of those invasion related apparels.

  • Women’s Bioadaptive Kybernaut Combat Suit
  • Women’s ‘Proven Kybernaut’ Combat Suit
  • Women’s EDENCOM ‘Defiant’ Combat Suit
  • Men’s EDENCOM ‘Defiant’ Combat Suit
  • Men’s CONCORD ‘Solitaire’ Survival Suit

By the way I did contribute pretty much for the EDENCOM and get punished for having supported them due to introduction of Pochven. They did quite good update.

Ok, so those items, along with what you have listed in the OP, is what you’re currently looking for…

Have you checked the Market and Public Contracts?

I haven’t checked Public Contracts for quite a while now, might have some items available in there. I usually check 3rd party Market sites on a regular basis in the hope that items I’m looking for will show up for sale…

Anyway, I did a quick search on 3rd party Market site…

Women’s ‘Proven Kybernaut’ Combat Suit
Two available in Jita for 17,900,000,000 ISK and 21,820,000,000 ISK.

Men’s EDENCOM ‘Defiant’ Combat Suit
One available in Jita for 34,400,000,000 ISK.

Definitely expensive…

Yeah DMC, you’re right.
I’ve been away from actively collecting apparels from market for a while.
But I’d check them later. They are too expensive though.

Few months ago minnie contacted me via wtb suits thread above and offered me some of them. However in the post she accused me for scamming her. I’ve never done such shameful attempt and was pretty much resentful of his such rude misaccusation. Via mail Asked her to pull back her post, however no response since then. I was disappointed and got demoralized then was away from that topic.

Well it’s been a while so I’d anyway start to seek them seriously.

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Any interest in SOE men’s research coat?

I’d be interested if they are not. How much do you want for the coat?

Thank you for the offer, but I already have it.

Thank you but it is already sold.

I am still alive and haven’t quitted the game.
This thread must not be dead yet.

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