Want to buy Hel Freedom’s Revolution SKIN which is not available on Jita. Please message me or reply to trade!!! Really want this skin it is my birthday colors!!!

I will pay literally anything :stuck_out_tongue:

My guess is that these skins are brand spanking new, they weren’t there a couple of days before. and nobody has them. Maybe an upcomming event puts them in the NES store (i hope) cuz these skins look awesome.

if i’m wrong and these are old skins, GIMME ONE


Jeez, cool down man! These SKINs haven’t been added to the game yet. They exist as item names, but none of them are available yet. Sometimes this is how brand new SKINs get added. They can arrive on the list of items weeks ahead of them actually being available in the game.

They’ve existed in name at least two weeks already.

Sorry, didn’t realize they were new releases. I have a feeling they’re coming out July 10? fingers crossed

Yup, they are out now.

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