:boredparrot: <( "wtb Moracha" )

Day 12 and only bitter disapointment


I may be a nobody in World of Wallets Online, but I surely will increase Moracha value!

Either I die and it draws attention, increases rarity, increases price orā€¦

I donā€™t die and get kills, and it will go up as people drool over it.

Cody we can be a team I will help you become Bill Gates, you know I am not a collector. I know you are hording them mate.

eecch bad to beg too much :slight_smile:

As per warning, price is reduced.

:dealwithitparrot: Good morning explorers. 400b maybe less. I am getting bored.

gdgfsjre :congaparrot:fgjd dgjkrty76 :aussiecongaparrot:ghjdfyj drtue 6ju5er jy^?dtgfhjd fghdftj :parrotdad:gfj derthje r6u4ew 5yreth dfghcdfgjdr}_dfsyjdrfjh :fastparrot:

Lol dat is entertaining. Wanna buy my responder for 5trill?

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Couldā€™ve sworn Entity had 3 out of 4 Responders

Responder sounds good but I dont have that kind of gold. I need to get a Moracha.

This is really hard, cant you see Iā€™m bloody dieing here mate

Offer more

Ok no more dramatics.


On second thoughts I am closing this thread. Thank you all.

Im back

Ready to pay the isk at the drop of a hat. Donā€™t bother trying to offer me 600b all those deals are fakes.


:star_struck: Mails received are replied. Please mail me more numbers, and I will mail you back numbers. We can see what we can do.



I aint got no mails to my name

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