WTB old toon (2009 max) - not actual

Still looking for toon where DoB lower or equal to 2006

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Go Up

What about me?


Hi, good offer! How about 3b? Or maybe you can tell me ur adequate price?

Make it 3.5b and we have a deal.

I agree, ill be online after 4h on which account I can send message?

This character please. As per CCP rules, character is in The Forge Hi Sec, no jump clones, no kill rights, positive isk balance, and 0.0 security status. Character is in NPC corporation.
Born 2006.06.12 as advertised. Will commence character transfer on receipt of instruction.

Ill be online for the next 4 hrs

Transaction completed, transfer is underway now. Verification of transfer to be sent in eve mail. Thank you

Can verify transfer has been initiated, mail sent to buyer ingame

Mail about transfer received

Character received.

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