WTB Rorq pilot

Not interested in breadth, after a focused rorq pilot. Let’s see what you’ve got!


Nothing out there? Would consider a porp pilot depending on skills.

I’d consider selling this account: https://skillq.net/char/EddieWood/

What would be your offer?

It seems to be set private I’m afraid.

I can sell this character:

Has a set of T4 implants with Mining Foreman Mindlink.
As well as a T5 set of implants.

Still needs about 30d for Invul Core, nothing a couple of injectors can’t fix though.

Do lmk your offer if interested.


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how much are you looking for?

considering implants and skillbooks, 20b seems fair

Thanks but I can’t get close to that 20b, quite a few key Rorq skills need work and then the Invulnerability Core as you said. My offer would be more like 16bn for that.

yea well gl.
u won’t find anything close to a rq pilot for 16b.
for that price i might aswell extract.


Not saying my budget is 16,just that it’s all I’d pay for that char. Fly safe o7.


Sorry that doesn’t seem to be shared?

Try this: SkillQ.net - EddieWood

Ill pay 18b for you character if you still selling.

Thanks, will offer 18b

I’d be closer to 22, just because of raw SP and the skill books

Can use t2 core, invulnerability module, etc etc