WTS 4 rorq pilot 55M+30M+33M+37M

54M perfect rorq pilot
alredy in HS, positive ss and wallet.
I pay transfer fee, toon is in NPC corp
Remap available

price starts at 30b

30M rorq pilot

alredy in HS, positive ss and wallet.
I pay transfer fee, toon is in NPC corp
Remap available

price starts at 23B

alredy in HS, positive ss and wallet.
I pay transfer fee, toon is in NPC corp
Remap available

price starts at 25B




bump daily

hey man your 55m sp toons skill board is not showing skills, something broke im guessing. but your over valuing these toons, dont mean to offend but your not going to sell them at these prices I dont think. more so with the nerfs. for instance the extractor value is 25B (profit) on the 55m sp toon. I need an indy toon and some assorted stuff, so if you can fix the skill list on the 55m sp toon id be willing to consider offering 28B possibly if it fits my needs.

Thanks! if not in your ballpark then good luck on your sale friend.

i fix it now,i think 30B is ok,i will pay the trsanfer fee

https://skillq.net/char/Joke%20TT/ this link says “not your character to view”, think you have it set to private im guessing

try this

want to offer Mikassa Air 23b

accept bid,mail send

isk sent transfer info sent to mail

isk reviced. character transfer

link fixed

daily bump

Do you still have rorq pilots for sell?

yes.all for sell

what is your BO foir this char?
Can it use t2 indy?

what is the buyout price?