🔺 WTB Triglavian Apparel

Hello there!

I’m here again looking for your help in locating some apparel items for my museum.

Right now I’m looking for:

  • Men’s Proven Bioadaptive Mask (the one that has bits in orange).
  • Women’s Proven Kybernaut combat suit (the black and red one). (Found one! TY again Chas!)
  • Women’s Proven Bioadaptive Mask (the one that has bits in orange).

DM me or post here if you have one or know where I could find it!

Fly Safe!

Message me

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Will do when i get ingame later on today!

1 ticket to the museum please

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The museum is still looking!

Bump!! Still trying to get these before taking the museum public!

Still looking for the masks!

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