WTS 10.7M Exhumer/Miner/PI

Pilot for sale. Skilled in basic ship handling with a focus on Exhumers and PI.

-Positive wallet
-Positive sec status
-No kill rights
-Located in HS
-2 Remaps available!


11B B/O or best offer

Daily Bump


Looks like you’re the winner! I’ll accept 8 Billion isk for this character. Please send the isk and we’ll get the transfer started.

Haven’t received a response yet, are you still planning to go through with this character purchase?

Sorry must have missed this will get it sorted asap

I will Pay You 12M?

12M or 12B?

9 bil ready now

Okay 9 it is. send and I’ll start transfer

Logging in

Isk and account sent

Isk Received, starting transfer process.

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