Wts 126m sp subcap pilot

I am about to sell one of my alt pilots

Skill list: Quantum Anomaly

6 jump clones
2 bonus remaps available
Location: Jita
Npc corp joined
Wallet greeeen
Kill rights none



BO: 110b

93 Bi

no more offers?

94b offer

Well, fine. Lets do 94b since there is no more bids.

ok wait a min

ISK and info send.

Roger, I will check it in a bit and post when transfer is srarted

transfer is started?

Isk received, transfer is in progress, need support help to launch it, waiting for their reply

How is the progress?

Are you still there?

yes, I am still waiting

I’ve been waiting too long,Has the transfer not started yet?

If unable to transfer, please return to ISK