12M + SP
Jump Cal 3
mixture of capital support and shield skills
lots of books
high security status
Starting bid of 7B
Buyout - Make me an offer.
auctions ends on Sunday at 21:00 GMT
Skills pw: 12345
12M + SP
Jump Cal 3
mixture of capital support and shield skills
lots of books
high security status
Starting bid of 7B
Buyout - Make me an offer.
auctions ends on Sunday at 21:00 GMT
Skills pw: 12345
7Bil. how much b/o?
i’d take 10b right now?
8 B/O?
i’ll let it ride for now, will get back to you on sunday
8.5 B/O
10 Bil B/O
11 B/O
accepted send isk with account information for transfer. thanks
OK Please send back a confirmation mail and I willsend the isk to you asap.
replied ingame with conformation
OK I send the isk to you already
When do you want to start transferring
i will transfer now, sorry been at work
done thanks again
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