I guess CCP has been notified. I want my isk returned or my pilot
Looks like Kelcier zaint didn’t send the isk. Is the character still for sale?
Well since he didnt send the isk i bid 5.5bn
Yes he is still for sale
Kelcier Zaint sounds like you sent isk to the wrong character. Next time you send is to the wrong charactor send it to me instead
What in tarnation is going on here? Someone send me the isk.
I’ll take it for 6, cash ready to go
Sure. Send the isk and evemail the toon your info
with a name like that you can’t possibly send it to the wrong toon
Isk has been sent by me on the account I’d like it transferred to Just confirming here that I am Canes To IPX
Transfer confirmed, receipt is as follows:
Character Transfer Received
Dear xxxxxx
Another player is transferring the character The-Incredible-Hulk to your account named xxxxxxxxxx.
Confirmed I have recieved the isk.
Pleasure doing business dude
Good luck to you and hope he doesnt scam you as well
Everyone on the forum can see you sent money to wrong account dude
my guy the toon apparently was sold, stop trying to scam people.
As the sale has gone through, I’m going to close this thread. As a reminder, scamming on the Character Bazaar is forbidden and carries harsh penalties. Thank you.