WTS: 136m SP Aeon Pilot 2008 Character, 120b B/O

PW: asdfg

135,831,974 SP
622,535 unallocated SP

Location: Amarr
Remap Available: Now
Bonus Remap: 1
Postiive wallet

Positive security standings

Implants super clone

Starting bid: 115b
Buyout: 120b

Edit: BO lowered to match market
Ends Saturday night so I can deliver that night
Will be transferring via cc not plex

Confirmed for sale

110 bil

115 bil

1 Like

Thanks for bid. If BO isn’t met sat evening he’s all yours


Buyout lowered to reflect market


A little over a day left, this sells tomorrow! (Or if we see the 120b b./o)

Last 12hrs or so, will be selling to the highest bidder tomorrow morning

Zazzel Blackthorn, as soon as you are on and confirm your bid, the auction is yours.

Confirming ISK and info sent via in-game mail. Thank you!

Isk and account info received. starting transfer

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: T92M

Will be completed after: 2/18/2018 2:12:02 PM

If you did not initiate this character transfer, please file a ticket to Customer Support.

Confirming character received.

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