WTS 141 mil SP Character Dread Carriers Orca T3 Subcaps Support

WTS 141 mil SP Dread Carriers Orca T3 Subcaps Support Character

550000 unalloc sp

Wallet Balance - Positive

Kill rights - None

Location - Jita

Corp -Npc

Security Status - 5.0

Starting bid - 120B

Buyout 140B

Thank you

Buyout 140B

Isk and mail has been sent!

confirm isk got and mail with account name
please wait sent request to support to make transfer
hope they do quickly

Why not make a paid transfer?

I haven’t received the transfer information. When do you plan to transfer the characters?

From now on, I will wait 24 hours. If you haven’t made the transfer, I’m going to request withdrawal of the deal

hello! do not worry please
transfer of character from Russian region account
only works with support assistance
please wait already sent request to support

got this message

and sent all info to support

Hello @Arvens_Parf I will not close this post as there is a transfer on going that will require communication between the two parties involved in this sale.

But I will require you to provide a working character link for the character being sold, the one on the original post is providing a 404 error. This must remain functional even after the sale.

Could the screenshot of the transfer process be more detailed, such as the email you sent to ccp?

i remade character link

and sent you full info about transfer

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Where’s your character transfer certificate? Where’s the progress? You didn’t send it to me. I need a screenshot

sent all needed info to support
but they work not fast again…

Why hasn’t the character been transferred to my account?


Why hasn’t the character been transferred to my account?


hello! i really do not know why support work so slowly
hope today monday they do all
please write ticket to support about transfer too

Things can’t drag on like this

As far as I know, ccp has closed the plex payment character transfer channel
So you have to use a paid transfer service

If you can’t pay, please cancel the deal

I’ve waited a long time. I can’t wait like this forever

I asked GM to intervene for help, isk has been transferred to the other character for a week, but my account did not receive the character
