Would like to sell me
Located in Jita
+5 implants
Positive Wallet
NPC Corp
No Kill rights
145M sp (include 1.5m unallocated sp)
Perfect sub cap PVP/PVE character
All 5 race (include Trig) subcap ships V (frigate, destroyer,cruiser,battlecruiser,battleship )
All 5 race weapon V (from small to large, missile and drones)
All 4 race weapon specialization IV (from small to large, missile and drones)
All 5 race T2 ships V (Except Blackops)
All 4 race T3 destroyer V
All 4 race T3 cruiser V
All 4 race T3 subsystem V
All 4 race MARAUDER V
All Fleet support skills V (Except titan’s phenomena)
Main shield skills V
4 shield compensation IV
Main Armor skills V
4 Armor compensation V
Starting Bid: 100B
Buyout: 120B
I will pay the transfer fee.
Have a nice day