WTS 145M subcap PVP/PVE pilot


Would like to sell me

Located in Jita
+5 implants
Positive Wallet
NPC Corp
No Kill rights

145M sp (include 1.5m unallocated sp)

Perfect sub cap PVP/PVE character

All 5 race (include Trig) subcap ships V (frigate, destroyer,cruiser,battlecruiser,battleship )
All 5 race weapon V (from small to large, missile and drones)
All 4 race weapon specialization IV (from small to large, missile and drones)
All 5 race T2 ships V (Except Blackops)
All 4 race T3 destroyer V
All 4 race T3 cruiser V
All 4 race T3 subsystem V

All 4 race MARAUDER V

All Fleet support skills V (Except titan’s phenomena)

Main shield skills V
4 shield compensation IV
Main Armor skills V
4 Armor compensation V


Starting Bid: 100B
Buyout: 120B

I will pay the transfer fee.
Have a nice day :grinning:

bump :slight_smile:

I am willing to pay 95B

Will wait 3 more days before the weekends close the bidding.

If you are the highest price then we will be done. :grinning:

I hope it can be faster :laughing:

Ok. 95B is done.


Send isk to Fireflow Chan with a mail giving me the account name to transfer to.

Check isk check email

Isk and account id received, will start to transfer the character and update the progress later.

Transfer started, please check later. If any problems please let me know. :wink:

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