WTS 147m SP account

Good character for pvp
Total Skillpoints: 147,768,564
Unallocated Skillpoints: 243,000
Total Skillpoints: 148,011,564
Character in NPC corp changing
Character has positive wallet
Character has no kill rights
Character in high security space
Start price 90bil

90B offer

@gimli47112 If you can pay 100 bil, I can give you the account within 30-40 minutes

Ok. Give me 5 minutes

101 B

@Notraxx ISK and eve mail send

You’re certainly in a hurry to get this even though you had the other one xD

I mean no sale is final until the seller starts the transfer, he can always return the isk and let the bidding continue.

Edit: I bid 102B

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I’ll do 103 B. Feel free to proceed with gimli or Harrigan

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105B offer

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@Notraxx got the pilot. o7

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