WTS 14m SP amazing Trader + Freighter with awesome name!

Hey I am for sell

Positive wallet,
Positive sec status,
No kill rights
NPC corp

Trader + Freighter + Industry -> JF learning has been started

Starting Bid: 13B

Thanks for looking

To the TOP :slight_smile:

Ill offer you 12b

for 13B it’s yours

To The TOP!

Get into trading today with buying me :slight_smile:

Bump to the TOP

In the absence of better offers, I’d like to accept yours.

Looks like it’s still for sale, Waiting for offers :slight_smile:

Buy me and conquer the market!

Quick sell for 12B !!! Make your offer today!

Buy me for iskies to make more iskies

11b offer.

Thank you for the offer, but I won’t accept it. In case you are willing to hit 12B I am all yours :slight_smile:

Ok, 12B b/o

Accepted, wiating for isk and account information


Isk recieved and transfer initiated.

Thank you and enjoy your new toon :slight_smile:

Thanks. Already re-purposed into a JF flier :slight_smile:

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