Many many more skills to 5. The only titan this character is missing is the Caldari titan. Very easily trainable, all the weapons systems for the komodo / levi are already trained just missing the caldari titan skill itself.
-.6 Sec Status
No Kill Rights
Possitive Wallet
in NPC corp
Let’s not waste more time then. 180b buyout accepted. Once you confirm deal is done I will send the ISK and ingame mail with account details. Out for the night.
@Metalmoon I appreciate the offer above the buy out price, however I want to give @Aelin_Eoner the opportunity to close the deal as I was not able to log in today till late and he was the first to offer the buyout amount. @Aelin_Eoner buy out accepted please send ISK and account info. If the sale falls through for some reason I will let you know @Metalmoon