WTS: 163m SP char

Miss 2600- https://char.tools4eve.com/character.php?name=Miss_2600
163m SP (177K is unallocated)
Wallet: Positive
Security Status: 5.0
Remap: ready
Localization: Jita
Can fly level 4 missions for the Caldari Navy

All around great pilot.
Starting bid, 145 billion isk. Would like to finish this up by Saturday.

Daily bump. Any interest?

120B offer

123b offer

125b offer

126b ready

127b offer

Thank you for the bids! 135B will be the buyout or highest bid by Sat morning DT.

135b offer

Sold. Please send isk and account info.

Give me a few minutes

Is the object for transferring ISK still this role?

isk sent

Hello friend, if you are online, please reply to the information, otherwise it will be submitted to the game official processing!

Good morning. Isk received, just awaiting account info to transfer char to.

Okay, thank you


pilot received

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