No Waste Perfect Hel Pilot 36m SP

pword 1234

4.80 Sec status
positive wallet will be 0 at time of purchase

Min Bid is 30B all others are considered bumps, Willing to sell quickly if correct buyer is found feel free to pm me offer and negotiations. Sale will be final when i confirm on the thread it is final.

I of course will abide by all character transfer rules including paying for the movement of the character.

30b BO

wrong char sorry - 30B is the best offer. Selling like 5 chars sorries.

I’m still forsale the two offers i had seem to have fallen through.

25b isk ready - can transfer now

No Thanks. Can Extract for more than that. still forsale.

Still rdy with my 30b offer

Okay 30B offer I’m gonna end the auction tonight when i get off work.

So 9 hours from this post the auction will close, 30B is the high bid currently. Highest bid in 9 Hours wins the auction.

(Disclaimer: As Always i reserve the right to not sell the character.)

Send isk and account info

Isk sent, and sent ingame also.

Thnx for doin business