WTS 16m Tengu Pilot


460k unallocated SPs

Positive Wallet
No kill rights
No jump clones
Located in Jita 4-4
Remap available, 2 bonus available

Starting bid 10b
buyout 12.5b

I will pay transfer fee


10b bid

Looking for at least a bit more than that. Appreciate the bid nonetheless though.


Bump! Will sell for 13b.

11B bid



12 bill buyout

Bump! B/O Reduced to 12.5b

I will buy you out at 12.5 bill.
Let me know when you are ready and available to receive the isks and transfer the character.

Ready to transfer.

isks and account info sent.
Please confirm receipt and status of character transfer.
Thank you

Isk received and character transferred.

16m SP right now would be 1.9b per 1m sp. With the markets. Don’t short yourself by only asking 12.5b for a 16m pilot. 1b per 1m sp is less than 50% of the value, go with at least 75% of the value. Ask for 16b.

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